Element Pack - аддон для Elementor

  • Автор темы Автор темы leontwo
  • Дата начала Дата начала
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.7.0 NULLED

v6.7.0 [18th October 2022]
### Added

- LearnPress Grid Widget added
- LearnPress Carousel Widget added
- Header Sticky feature added in Pricing Table Widget
- Categories Count Hide option added in WC Category widget

### Fixed
- WC mini cart conflict issue fixed (Thanks Atriumlabs)

### Updated
- Columns option updated in WC Category widget

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.8.0 NULLED

v6.8.0 [8th November 2022]

- Features list alignment, footer radius option added in Price Table
- Last Purchased Date, Purchased Item Number, Single Products Price, Stock and Category conditions added in Visibility Controls Extension
- Quotation offset & image background options added in Testimonial Slider Widget
- Tab wrapper style option added in tabs widget
- Query Order options Added in WC Products widget
- EDD Mini Cart Widget Added
- EDD Product...

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leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.10.0 NULLED

v6.10.0 [7th December 2022]
### Added

- bbPress Forum Form widget added
- bbPress Forum Index widget added
- bbPress Single Forum widget added
- bbPress Topic Index widget added
- bbPress Topic Form widget added
- bbPress Single Topic widget added
- bbPress Reply Form widget added
- bbPress Single Reply widget added
- bbPress Topic Tags widget added
- bbPress Single Tag widget added
- bbPress Single View widget added
- bbPress Stats widget added
- Waypoint Offset...

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.11.1 NULLED

6.11.1 [9th January 2023]

- Individual Style label margin option added in Countdown widget
- Hash Location feature added in Coupon widget
- Fieldset border radius option added in Edd Profile Editor widget
- Primary Item Hide option added in Post Grid alite & harold skins

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.11.3 NULLED

v6.11.3 [21th January 2023]
### Added

- Condition Group, Custom Page ID added in Visibility Controls Extension
- Post slider skin vast navigation arrows style option added

### Fixed
- The dropdown style not working issue was fixed in the user register widget
- Mobile devices Accordion hidden issue fixed in Mega Menu widget
- Post slider skin style issue fixed

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.12.0 NULLED

v6.12.0 [6th February 2023]
### Added
- Facebook Feed widget added
- Facebook Feed Carousel widget added
- Product carousel widget added
- Lazy loading compatibility added
- Star Shape added in Confetti Effects extension
- Infinite Snow Effect feature added in Confetti Effects extension
- Icon position bottom option added in advanced icon box widget
- Icon vertical & horizontal offset option added in advanced icon box widget
- Offset Responsive control added in...

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.12.1 NULLED

v6.12.1 [19th February 2023]
### Added

- Swiper Library v8.4.5 compatibility added
- Quick View Margin option added in wc product widget
- Content active color option added in Testimonial Carousel widget
### Fixed
- Slide image cover not working issue fixed in Slider widget
- Image size issue fixed in Post Grid Tab widget

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.13.0 NULLED

v6.13.0 [28th February 2023]
### Added
- Background Expand Extension added
- Style four added in sub menu widget
- Add support for YouTube Shorts URLs in Lightbox widget
- Rating Bullet, address & text spacing option added in Testimonial Carousel widget
### Fixed
- Elementor Pro slider navigation dots conflict issue fixed (Thanks to Jennifer Burns)
### Updated
- The result will be to remove unnecessary values after dot of Advanced Calculator widget

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.14.0 NULLED

6.14.0 [12th March 2023]

- Name Field added in MailChimp Widget
- Style sliding box added in image accordion widget
- Vertical align & active item expand option added in image accordion widget
- None option added for the Visibility of hamburger menu in Mega Menu Widget
- Border & border radius option added in audio player widget
- Lightbox & item gap option added in image accordion widget
- Sliding box style & lightbox option added in image expand widget

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.14.1 NULLED

v6.14.1 [16th March 2023]
### Added

- Title advanced style added in timeline widget
- Responsive Mode added in Item Height control of Post Gallery (Thanks to Nguyen Hong Danh)
### Fixed
- Tabs alignment issue fixed
- Columns Gap issue fixed in Advanced Image Gallery widget
- Dione border radius option added in creative button widget

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Element Pack 6.15.0
Скрытое содержимое. Вам нужно войти или зарегистрироваться.
## 6.15.0 [27th March 2023]

### Added

- Trigger Type option added in Flip Box Widget
- Hover box layout style option added
- Filter hover style option added in WC Product widget

### Fixed

- News Ticker arrows RTL issue fixed
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.15.0 NULLED

v6.15.0 [27th March 2023]

### Added

- Trigger Type option added in Flip Box Widget
- Hover box layout style option added
- Filter hover style option added in WC Product widget
### Fixed
- News Ticker arrows RTL issue fixed

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.15.1 NULLED

v6.15.1 [30th March 2023]

### Added

- WordPress v6.2.0 compatibility added
- Repeater Content background option added in hover box widget
### Fixed
- Portfolio gallery filter badge issue fixed
- Column gap & button advanced radius issue fixed in hover box widget

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.15.3 NULLED

6.15.3 [11th April 2023]


- Pagination featured added in Dynamic Grid Widget
- Wrapper Link upgraded for popup workable in Panel Slider widget (Thanks to Illuspic)


- Fatal error issue fixed in Post gallery widget all skin

- License System Improved

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.15.4 NULLED

6.15.4 [13th April 2023]
### Added
- Read more text repeater option added in static carousel widget
- Before after button align, border, box shadow & circle shadow color option added in image compare widget
### Fixed
- Frontend eicon not showing issue fixed
### Improved
- System Improved

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.15.5 NULLED

17 Apr, 2023
v6.15.5 Released

Add support for YouTube Shorts URLs in Lightbox component
Add Dropnav component
Add parent icon to Drop component
Add WAI-ARIA roles, states and properties to interactive JavaScript components
Add WAI-ARIA keyboard interaction pattern to interactive JavaScript components
Add language internationalization (i18n) for interactive JavaScript components
Fix Scrollspy Nav component updates state once shown

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 7.0.0 NULLED

v7.0.0 [15th May 2023]
### Added
- Marquee widget added
- SVG maps widget added
- SVG Blob widget added
- Icon mobile menu widget added
- Content switcher widget added
- Floating Knowledgebase widget added
- Comparison List widget added
- Content protector extension added
- Realistic image shadow extension added
- AdBlock Detector extension added
- Crypto currency card widget added
- Crypto currency table widget added
- Crypto currency grid widget added
- Crypto...

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 7.0.1 NULLED

v7.0.1 [18th May 2023]
### Fixed

- Post gallery fatal error issue fixed
- Comparison list Item style issue fixed
- Future version compatibility notice removed
- SVG Image widget code improved
- Cryptocurrency Table width issue fixed

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