Element Pack - аддон для Elementor

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leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.0.5 NULLED

= 6.0.5 [20th March 2022] =
= Fixed =
* Column issue fixed in WC Product Widget
* Product loop fatal error fixed in WC Product Table Skin widget
* Arrows position issue fixed in Slideshow Widget
* Global Typography issue fixed (Thanks to Caleb Weeks)
* Global Link underline issue fixed (Thanks to Gabriel Sirbu)

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.0.6 NULLED

v6.0.6 [21th March 2022]
### Added
- Parallax X, Y Custom value option added in Parallax Effects Extension
### Fixed
- Arrows position issue fixed in Slideshow Widget
- RTL issue fixed for cursor effects extension (Thanks to maxwebone)

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leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.0.7 NULLED

New Update Changelog v6.0.7​

  • Templates are not importing issue fixed in Template Library (Thanks to Nancy Loef)
  • Elementor Deprecated issue fixed
  • Column name index not defined issue fixed
  • Skin name duplicate issue fixed
  • Follow me issue fixed in Instagram Widget
  • CSS/JS File not found issue fixed in Tutor Lms grid and Carousel Widgets
  • Parallax Effects opacity custom option added

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.0.8 NULLED

v6.0.8 [9th April 2022]

- Marker hover controls and item multiple controls option added in Marker Widget
- CSS Filter and border option added in Open Street Map Widget
- Button size option added in creative button Surtur style
- Live copy paste issue fixed for the elementor new container
- Offset issue fixed in Query Builder
- Query Builder Filter issue fixed in Post Gallery and Portfolio gallery Widgets
- WPForms issue fixed (Thanks to Kai...

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.0.10 NULLED

v6.0.10 [12th April 2022]
### Added

- Header Column width option added in static type Table Widget
### Fixed
- WC Mini Cart style issue fixed
- Kenburn Animation issue fixed in Slider Widget
- Skin Oliver issue fixed in Timeline Widget (Thanks to Alex Preyer)

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.0.12 NULLED

v6.0.12 [12th May 2022]
### Added

- Age Invalid Message Field added in Age Gate Widget
- API v2 support added in Twitter grid, Slider and Carousel Widget (Thanks to Karan Shah)
- Dismissible Button added in Allow Tracker Notice
### Fixed
- Icon Size not working issue fixed in Weather Widget
- Icon Spacing issue fixed in Dropbar, User Register Widget
- Link Target issue fixed in Static Grid Tab Widget (Thanks to Boy Laban)
- DataTables UIKIT RTL CSS file...

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.0.13 NULLED

v6.0.13 [21th May 2022]

### Added

- Column and icon align option added in Faq Widget
- Right Click Context Menu logged in user option added
- External URL, Confetti Connect Features added in Notification widget
### Fixed
- Position RTL issue fixed
- Right Click Context Menu issue fixed
- Fatal error fixed in Crypto Currency Card Widget
- Icon color issue fixed in lottie image, svg image, step flow widgets

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.1.0 NULLED

6.1.0 [26th May 2022]
### Added
- Easy Digital Download (EED Product) Widget Added
- Easy Digital Download (EED Product Carousel) Widget Added
- Easy Digital Download (EED Category Grid) Widget Added
- Easy Digital Download (EED Category Carousel) Widget Added
- Easy Digital Download (EED Tabs) Widget Added
- Multi columns option added in Faq Widget
### Fixed
- RTL issue fixed in Horizontal Scroller Widget (Thanks to Yosef)
- Icon color issue fixed in lottie icon box...

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.1.2 NULLED

## 6.1.2 [9th June 2022]

### Fixed

- Post Format icon not showing issue fixed in Timeline Widget
- Readmore inline issue fixed in Alter skin Post Grid Widget
- Image and icon conflict issue fixed in Image Stack Widget
- Minor Animation issue fixed in Image Expand Widget
- Link widget issue fixed in Tabs Widget (Thanks to Gabriel Sirbu)
- Columns issue solved in Instagram Widget (Thanks to Nicolas QUINTARD)

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.1.3 NULLED

v6.1.3 [12th June 2022]
### Added
- hide free product, hide out of stock options added on manual selection and related query in WooCommerce (WC - Product, WC - Carousel and WC - Slider) widgets
### Fixed
- Navigation arrow not showing issue fixed
- Change badge label Sold out to Out of Stock in WooCommerce (WC - Product, WC - Carousel and WC - Slider) widgets
### Noted
- EDD Product, EDD Product Carousel, EDD Category Grid, and EDD Category Carousel widget were...

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.2.0 NULLED

6.2.0 [20th June 2022]

### Added

- Duplicate Post / Page / Elementor Template Feature Added
- Connect Section Background Feature added in Tabs Widget
- Dots advanced style options added in Slider Widget
### Fixed
- Custom skin not showing issue fixed in Thumb Gallery Widget
- ViewPort issue fixed in Animated Heading Widget (Thanks to Frederics Cooper)
- Section Parallax/Scrolling Effects issue fixed (Thanks to Gabriel Sirbu)
- Search Translation issue...

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.2.1 NULLED

6.2.1 [23th June 2022]

### Added

- Alignment responsive option added in WC Product Widget
### Fixed
- Svg icon height issue fixed
- Add to Cart Button fullwidth issue fixed in WC Product Widget
- Rating not showing issue fixed in WC Slider Widget
### Noted
- Duplicator naming little bit mistake so please save again if you already enabled this option.

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.3.0 NULLED

v6.3.0 [28th June 2022]
### Added
- Remote Arrows Widget added
- EDD Login Widget added
- EDD Register Widget added
- EDD Cart Widget added
- EDD Checkout Widget added
- Tabs offset option added in Interactive Tabs Widget
- Responsive single column option added in Post List Widget
- Visibility on Admin mode feature added in Modal Widget
### Fixed
- Icon size issue fixed in Marker Widget (Thanks to Gustavo Rubacha)
- Section Parallax/Scrolling opacity issue fixed...

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.4.0 NULLED

v6.4.0 [5th July 2022]

### Added

- Remote Thumbs widget added
- Remote Fraction widget added
- Remote Pagination widget added
- Link Section feature added in Tabs Widget
- Tabs content widget option added in Interactive Tabs Widget
- Custom Device option added in Scroll image widget
### Fixed
- Filter query issue fixed in FAQ Widget
- Multi-column filter not working issue fixed in FAQ Widget
- Editor issue fixed in Post Grid Tab Widget

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.4.1 NULLED

v6.4.1 [29th July 2022]
### Added
- Content Style added in Slideshow widget ( Thanks to Tonyzeoli )
- Content Reverse (Mobile Device) option added in Featured Box Widget (Thanks to Saroj)
### Fixed
- Dropdown width issue fixed in User Login Widget (Thanks to Alex Nasla)
- Fullwidth issue fixed in WC Product Widget
- Target link issue fixed in Brand grid, brand caroseul and slider widgets
- Translation issue fixed in Search Widget (Thanks to Sergio Rodriguez)

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.6.0 NULLED

v6.6.0 [8th October 2022]
### Added
- Mega Menu Feature + Mega Menu widget added
- Sub Menu widget added
- Container Support added in Extensions
- Image Size option added in Post Slider widget
- Tooltip Text dynamic option added in Circle Menu widget (Thanks to Abdoul Ouedraogo)
- Alignment, Subtitle spacing, original price offset option added in Price Table widget
- Table header, body radius option added in Table widget
- Drop bar stretch, animation out...

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
leontwo обновил ресурс Element Pack - аддон для Elementor новой записью:

Element Pack 6.6.2 NULLED

v6.6.2 [13th October 2022]
### Fixed

- Icon color issue fixed in Search Widget
- Columns issue fixed in Skin Envelope of Hover Box Widget (Thanks to Maximilian Kraaz)
- Border Radius issue fixed in Interactive Card Widget (Thanks to Rusty C Lindquist)
- Filter Item issue fixed in Post Gallery Widget (Thanks to Matt Watkins)
- List Style Type CSS issue fixed in Fancy List and Breadcumbs Widget (Thanks to Josh Robertson)

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