Тема Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme

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Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme - WooCommerce Theme

Porto Wordpress is an ultimate business & woocommerce wordpress theme that is suitable for any business and woocommerce sites. Porto provides plenty elements and powerful features that can configure all you want. Compared to other multi-purpose themes’ general ecommerce features, Porto provides ultimate woocommerce features with exclusive skins & layouts and features. Porto guarantees super fast performance which is essential for your business & woocommerce shops. Please check below to see...

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Petr обновил ресурс Porto | Multipurpose & WooCommerce Theme новой записью:

Version 6.0.7 (Apr 19th.2021)

- Updated: compatibility with WooCommerce 5.2.0
- Updated: testminial element by adding width and height attributes to author image tags
- Dev: "porto_single_product_after_thumbnails" filter is added to add html after displaying thumbnails in single product page
- Fixed: Elementor tabs element not working well on editor
- Fixed: wrong alt attribute issue in porto image frame element
- Fixed: minor rtl style issues
- Fixed: js error on porto builder tooltip

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
Porto 6.1.0
Version 6.1.0 (May 19th.2021)

+ Added: Business consulting 3 demo (WPBakery, Elementor and Visual Composer)
+ Added: Auto Services Elementor demo
+ Added: Startup Agency Elementor demo
+ Added: Law firm 2 Elementor demo
+ Added: Shop 3 Gutenberg demo
+ Added: Shop 14 Gutenberg demo
+ Added: Shop 34 Gutenberg demo
+ Added: Shop 35 Gutenberg demo
+ Added: Shop 38 Gutenberg demo
+ Added: Shop 40 Gutenberg demo
+ Added: Shop 22 WCFM Vendors version

+ Added: Porto Studio compatibility with Gutengerg editor
+ Added: templates builder elemnts for Gutenberg editor (Header builder, Footer builder, Product builder, Shop builder and Popup builder)
+ Added: popup builder to template builders
+ Added: Admin tools to clear transient, compile css and reset used block information throughout the site
+ Added: Demo uninstall functionality in setup wizard
+ Added: a functionality to preload fonts in speed optimize wizard
+ Added: compatibility with WCFM Vendors (Shop demo 22)
+ Added: compatibility with WPForms Lite plugin (Shop demo 1)
+ Added: sales notification functionality
+ Added: shape divider for section elements (Restaurant demo)
+ Added: svg floating element (Startup Agency Elementor demo)
+ Added: Elementor One Layer Banner widget using Column element
+ Added: Visual Composer social icons element
+ Added: Visual Composer circular bar element
+ Added: Visual Composer fancy text element
+ Added: Visual Composer page header elements
+ Added: Gutenberg products widget element
+ Added: Gutenberg hotspot element
+ Added: Gutenberg sidebar menu element
+ Added: Gutenberg recent portfolios element
+ Added: Gutenberg members element
+ Added: Gutenberg recent members
+ Added: lens effect on single product image for all product types including "Extended", "Full Width", "Grid", "Sticky" and "Sticky Left & Right"
+ Added: "back to templates list" link into templates builder's frontend editor for Elementor and Visual Composer
+ Added: animation fields for Porto Info Box elements
+ Added: width and height attribute to author image in testimonial element
+ Added: KenBurns, Snow and Sparkle effects for banner elements (Law firm 2, Shop 3, Shop 4, Shop 34 and Shop 38)
+ Added: a functionality to set dropdown menu for account item in header
+ Added: icon hover effects to info box and button elements
+ Added: hover effects to banner elements
+ Added: several theme options to change form style and sidebar style
+ Added: ajax selectbox2 for some Elementor element controls
+ Added: wire frames in header builder
+ Added: product video thumbnail
+ Added: product compare functionality using YITH WooCommerce Compare plugin
+ Added: an option to enable or disable sticky sidebar in single product builder
+ Added: an option to display only pre-order products in products element
+ Added: an option to make a row or section to sticky header in header builder
+ Added: an option to change search popup's position in header builder
+ Added: an option to change editor's preview width in WPBakery frontend editor and Elementor editor
+ Added: a function to close Off canvas popups using ESC key
+ Added: style options for Visual Composer shop builder's products element
+ Added: tyewriter effects for heading and ultimate heading elements (Construction and Restaurant)
+ Added: detailed description for all elements

- Updated: Elementor pro compatibility
- Updated: php 8 compatibility
- Updated: Construction demo (WPBakery and Elementor)
- Updated: Restaurant demo (WPBakery and Elementor)
- Updated: Resume demo (WPBakery and Elementor)
- Updated: Porto WPBakery elements' control types using Toggle, Typography, Buttongroup, Dimension, Responsive and Multiselect controls
- Updated: elements page of products, banner, shape divider, header and footer builders
- Updated: all Gutenberg elements (options, controls and editor view)
- Updated: documentation
- Updated: WordPress deprecated functions used in the theme
- Updated: uploaded porto functionality plugin to the api server from the theme
- Updated: uploaded demo images to the api server from the theme
- Updated: Scrollspy using IntersectionObserver
- Updated: style of changelog page
- Updated: demo importer to be worked well when importing several times
- Updated: all Elementor demo's additional css for users to customize layout easily

- Fixed: Elementor blocks not displaying well in gutenberg/tinymce/archive pages
- Fixed: Elementor column carousel style issue when updating options in editor
- Fixed: dynamic style loading issue on selective refresh in customize panel of WP 5.6
- Fixed: Footer Ribbon text and tooltip option not working in footer builder
- Fixed: rtl issues on offcanvas minicart
- Fixed: porto image frame element's width and height attribute issue
- Fixed: intro slider's svg shape divider not showing after import cleaning services elementor demo
- Fixed: elementor accordion element not working well in editor
- Fixed: quickview for product variation in wishlist page
- Fixed: add to cart not working on quickview for variable product in wishlist page
- Fixed: Google structured data not working well in single product page when using single product builder
- Fixed: off canvas mini cart not working on mobile when using desktop header and mobile header separately
- Fixed: some style issues of App Landing Elementor demo after import
- Fixed: term meta not imported after import demo contents
- Fixed: wrong wishlist icon position on single product page for some product layouts
- Fixed: wrong item count issue in carousel element if no responsive options exists
- Fixed: page header element in a block not working in archive pages
- Fixed: lazyload issue of product hover image
- Fixed: compatibility issues in single product page with skeleton screens and marketplace plugins such as Dokan Lite and WCFM Vendors
- Fixed: some custom taxonomy meta not adding when importing demos
- Fixed: loading overlay issue on Firefox and Edge
  • Мне нравится
Реакции: Anno
Porto 6.1.3
v6.1.3 (Jul 10th.2021)

- Updated: compatibility with WPBakery 6.7.0
- Updated: compatibility with Revolution Slider 6.5.4
- Updated: less PHP library to the latest version
- Fixed: WPBakery Grid builder not working
- Fixed: Compatibility issue with FS WooCommerce Wallet plugin
- Fixed: Elementor accordion wasn't opening and closing smoothly
- Fixed: product attribute description not opening well on single product page
- Fixed: Porto carousel element's style issue in WPBakery frontend editor
- Fixed: "New Porto Builder" popup's style issue on some plugin setting pages such as Mailpoet in admin
- Fixed: minor style issues on single product button and mini cart

v6.1.2 (Jun 25th.2021)
- Fixed: textarea metabox field not working in admin
- Fixed: social share icons not working on Yith wishlist page
- Fixed: add to cart button's style issue on Yith wishlist page
- Fixed: compatibility issues with ElementsKit Lite plugin when using Porto Elementor ajaxselect2 control
- Fixed: a php error in Porto Masonry Grid container element
- Fixed: minor js issues on Elementor editor

v6.1.1 (Jun 05th.2021)
- Fixed: Shape divider not working in WPBakery section element
- Fixed: some demos not importing
- Fixed: minor style issue in WPBakery inner row which has container in it
- Fixed: minor style issue in porto icon element
Porto 6.1.4
v6.1.4 (Jul 21th.2021)
- Fixed: Scrollspy not working on Firefox (resume demo)
- Fixed: Porto Studio not importing in WPbakery Frontend editor
- Fixed: daily sale timer not working well on variable product
- Fixed: Shop 22 wcfm version not importing because of WCFM - WooCommerce Frontend Manager plugin
- Fixed: styled map not working in Porto Visual Composer Google map element
Porto 6.1.6
v6.1.6 (Jul 31th.2021)
- Fixed: a js error in theme.js

Version 6.1.5 (Jul 30th.2021)

- Updated: Theme license manager
- Updated: Sales popup using web worker
- Fixed: svg not working after Elementor demo import
- Fixed: popover element not working
- Fixed: overlay search close button not working on mobile
- Fixed: "woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link" filter was outdated
Porto 6.1.7
v6.1.7 (Aug 21th.2021)

+ Added: compatibility with Elementor 3.4.0
+ Added: close overlay search using esc key

- Fixed: "Popup" main menu type not working on mobile header builder in customizer panel
- Fixed: "Carousel" single portfolio layout not working with the latest revolution slider
- Fixed: Align option not working for Porto Icon element
- Fixed: resubmission not working for Contact Form 7 forms
- Fixed: Add to cart button not working well in wishlist page when using add to cart notification type 2 and 3
- Fixed: RTL column reverse option not working in WPBakery row element
- Fixed: minor rtl issues in WPBakery editor
- Fixed: overlay search close button not working on mobile
- Fixed: sub menu item's skeleton color issue when sub menu's background color is dark
Porto 6.1.8
v6.1.8 (Aug 24th.2021)
- Fixed: compatibility with WooCommerce 5.6.0
- Fixed: active breadcrumbs item was clickable in order complete page
Porto 6.2.0
Version 6.2.0 (Sep 26th.2021)

+ Added: Bootstrap 5 Support
+ Added: Page layout feature to set header, footer, blocks, etc in a layout

+ Added: Corporate 21 demo (WPBakery, Elementor)
+ Added: Hotel (Boxed) Elementor demo
+ Added: Classic Light Elementor demo
+ Added: Classic Video Elementor demo
+ Added: Classic Video Light Elementor demo
+ Added: Corporate 1 Elementor demo
+ Added: Corporate 2 Elementor demo
+ Added: Corporate 3 Elementor demo
+ Added: Corporate 4 Elementor demo
+ Added: Corporate 5 Elementor demo
+ Added: Corporate 6 Elementor demo
+ Added: Corporate 7 Elementor demo
+ Added: Corporate 9 Elementor demo
+ Added: Corporate 10 Elementor demo
+ Added: Corporate 11 Elementor demo
+ Added: Corporate 12 Elementor demo
+ Added: Corporate 13 Elementor demo
+ Added: Corporate 14 Elementor demo
+ Added: Corporate 15 Elementor demo
+ Added: Corporate 16 Elementor demo
+ Added: Corporate 17 Elementor demo
+ Added: Corporate 18 Elementor demo
+ Added: Corporate 19 Elementor demo
+ Added: Corporate 20 Elementor demo

+ Added rel="noopener noreferrer" to target="_blank" links for security reasons
+ Added: a theme option to add rel="nofollow" to social links in member archive and single pages
+ Added: theme options to display new product label
+ Added: an option to disable WP emojis script in speed optimize wizard
+ Added: an option to disable jQuery migrate script in speed optimize wizard
+ Added: an option to control threshold for image width or height in speed optimize wizard
+ Added: an option to control image quality in speed optimize wizard
+ Added: Half container elment
+ Added: Image compare element
+ Added: Image gallery element
+ Added: Recently viewed products element
+ Added: Social Icons element
+ Added: Elementor page header widget
+ Added: Elementor 360 degree image viewer widget
+ Added: dropped jQuery migrate
+ Added: mouse parallax feature
+ Added: several banner effects to Interactive Banner element
+ Added: product video thumbnail
+ Added: social video(Youtube and Videmo) support to Interactive Banner element
+ Added: Admin tools to reset transients and caches, compile css and reset templates' conditions
+ Added: Offcanvas wishlist

- Updated: Insurance demo design
- Updated: Finance demo design
- Updated: Education demo design
- Updated: Real Estate demo design
- Updated: Law firm demo design
- Updated: Hotel demo design
- Updated: Event demo design
- Updated: Restaurant demo design
- Updated: Agency One Page demo design
- Updated: Wedding demo design
- Updated: Shop 28 (Single Product) demo design
- Updated: Resume demo design
- Updated: appear and lazyload js using IntersectionObserver
- Updated: review sorting is removed in products elements if reviews are disabled in WooCommerce settings
- Updated: dropped .visible plugin in theme.js
- Updated: enhanced js rendering time 40ms
- Updated: category filter and sort feature in products element using js cache
- Updated: some elements pages
- Updated: Grid system in gutenberg editor
- Updated: advanced testimonial style
- Updated: jquery waitforimages plugin to vanilla imagesloaded plugin

- Fixed: w3 validation issues throughout theme
- Fixed: css animation not working sometimes on resize from tablet to mobile
- Fixed: some css issues on safari and firefox
- Fixed: compatibility issue with menu slide type and menu lazyload feature
- Fixed: svg not importing in Porto studio
- Fixed: sub menu overflow issue in blog 3 demo
- Fixed: sub menu not opening using arrow in accordion menu
- Fixed: Porto studio not importing in WPBakery frontend editor
- Fixed: IntersectionObserver not working on firefox and safari
- Fixed: compatibility issues with WooCommerce plugins and skeleton loading in single product page
А как ее устанавливать, просто кинуть в папку темы и выбрать?

Еще какие-то дополнительные действия по приведению в "нужное состояние" требуются?
Я имею в виду, чтобы она не "ругалась".
супер, Что последняя версия. Только может есть с последними демо для импорта?
Porto 6.2.2
v6.2.2 (Nov 05th.2021)
+ Added: "default", "ajax pagination" and "infinite scroll load" pagination styles for blog, portfolio, member and faq archive pages
- Fixed: Elementor kit css and animation js not imported when adding Elementor blocks in non-Elementor pages
- Fixed: compatibility issues with Yith WooCommerce Booking form plugin
- Fixed: Elementor css and js not loading when making 404 links block using Elementor
- Fixed: demo not imported well when xml parser isn't enabled
- Fixed: carousel item's width issue which is inside another carousel

v6.2.1 (Oct 21th.2021)
+ Added: Compatibility with Yith Wishlist Pro plugin
+ Added: an option to order by multiple fields for products element

- Updated: lazy load mobile menu only when enabling "Lazy Load Sub Menus" in speed optimize wizard

- Fixed: css including order issue when using "Internal Embedding" CSS Print Method in Elementor
- Fixed: minor compatibility issues with Theme Options and Elementor kit
- Fixed: a php error in page layout when using child theme
- Fixed: "Post Meta Position" theme option is not working for some single post layouts
- Fixed: microdata issue in breadcrumbs
- Fixed: default variation wasn't selected when using label/image swatch and uppercase attribute name in single product page
- Fixed: pagination not working in single product page's comments section
- Fixed: map maker icon not working in Elementor Google Map element
Симпатичная тема, жаль что все на англицком. Поставил, пробую разобраться настройках.
Подскажите, есть ли возможность в этой теме вывести текст в категориях/разделах/рубриках ?
Может есть отдельный плагин или в возможностях шаблона это где-то заложено?
текст разумеется нужно выводить уникальный для каждого раздела в целях продвижения.
Ссори, если вопрос не очень умный, давно с вордпресс не имел дел.
вот такой способ создает новое поле с поддержкой редактора, но у меня на этой теме не получилось вывести в шаблон.
попробовал несколько бесплатных плагинов, вот пока единственный мной найденный, который выводит в шаблон нужное содержимое и в стандартное поле описания категории товаров добавляет поддержку редактора, разумеется с шорткодами темплейта
