Media Cleaner Pro

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Media Cleaner Pro - Удаление неиспользуемых файлов из WordPress

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Media Cleaner обнаруживает неиспользуемые и бесполезные файлы из вашего WordPress. Он очищает вашу медиатеку и каталог загрузок. Для этого он анализирует всю вашу установку WordPress и сканирует, чтобы найти, как ваши файлы на самом деле используются. Он имеет множество опций и фильтров. Это единственный инструмент, который способен выполнять все эти задачи, и мы постоянно работаем над тем, чтобы сделать его лучше и проще в использовании.

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Может кто-то слышал про подобный плагин, который сделает список, что можно неиспользуемое удалить из CSS файлов?
leontwo обновил ресурс Media Cleaner Pro новой записью:

Media Cleaner Pro 6.1.9

= v6.1.9 (2021/07/05) =
* Add: Updated UI and libraries.
* Add: Support for Simple 3D Carousel.
* Update: Better codebase that will allow new features and enhancements (like Pause, Retry, etc).
* Info: This plugin is a lot of work everyday. Please help me by giving it a nice review, [here](

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leontwo обновил ресурс Media Cleaner Pro новой записью:

Media Cleaner Pro 6.2.1

= v6.2.1 (2021/09/11) =
* Fix: Images Only now includes PNG, GIF, ICO and BMP on top of the JPGs.
* Add: Support for ACF Repeater with Array of Images ID.
* Add: Support for ACF Blocks.
* Add: Support for Jet Engine.
* Add: Support for Social Warfare.
* Add: Support for WP Job Manager.
* Add: Support for wpDiscuz.
* Fix: Better support for Salient Theme.
* Update: More powerful CLI.
* Info: This plugin is a lot of work everyday. Please help me by giving it a nice...

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leontwo обновил ресурс Media Cleaner Pro новой записью:

Media Cleaner Pro 6.2.7

= v6.2.7 (2021/12/11) =
* Add: Support for Jet Engine and its metaboxes and fields.
* Add: Support for CM Business Directory.
* Add: Support for Sunshine Photo Cart.
* Add: Support for Woodmart Theme.
* Add: Support for HTML in Product Descriptions.
* Info: I am working hard on Media Cleaner. If you want to give me some love and motivation, write a simple and nice review [here]( Thank...

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leontwo обновил ресурс Media Cleaner Pro новой записью:

Media Cleaner Pro 6.2.8

= v6.2.8 (2022/01/28) =
* Update: Support for WordPress 5.9.
* Info: I am working hard on Media Cleaner. If you want to give me some love and motivation, write a simple and nice review [here](

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leontwo обновил ресурс Media Cleaner Pro новой записью:

Media Cleaner Pro 6.3.1

= v6.3.1 (2022/03/15) =
* Add: Do not rely on the Media Trash anymore (MEDIA_TRASH)!
* Fix: Better support for WPBakery.
* Add: Support for Google Web Stories.
* Info: There is no need to add MEDIA_TRASH anymore :) You can remove it from your wp-config.php if you added it in there.
* Info: I am working hard on Media Cleaner. If you want to give me some love and motivation, write a simple and nice review...

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leontwo обновил ресурс Media Cleaner Pro новой записью:

Media Cleaner Pro 6.3.2 NULLED

= v6.3.2 (2022/03/22) =
* Fix: Better support for WebP.
* Info: New plugin the the family! It is simply called Database Cleaner, and it aims to be the best Database Cleaner. You can find it on WordPress: Let me know what you think, I will make it better for you!

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leontwo обновил ресурс Media Cleaner Pro новой записью:

Media Cleaner Pro 6.3.5 NULLED

= v6.3.5 (2022/05/05) =
* Fix: There were a few warnings related to undeclared arrays.
* Add: Support for Metabox.
* Info: New plugin the the family! It is simply called Database Cleaner, and it aims to be... the best Database Cleaner! You can find it [here](
* Info: I am working hard on Media Cleaner. If you want to give me some love and motivation, write a simple and nice review...

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leontwo обновил ресурс Media Cleaner Pro новой записью:

Media Cleaner Pro 6.3.7 NULLED

= v6.3.7 (2022/06/07) =
* Fix: Better support for filters for filesystem scan (and a little optimization as well).
* Fix: Better support for backgrounds/overlays in elementor.
* Info: I am working hard on Media Cleaner. If you want to give me some love and motivation, write a simple and nice review.

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leontwo обновил ресурс Media Cleaner Pro новой записью:

Media Cleaner Pro 6.3.8 NULLED

= v6.3.8 (2022/06/13) =
* Fix: The links and thumbnails were broken in the Dashboard Trash.
* Info: New plugin the the family! 🎉 It is simply called Database Cleaner, and it aims to be... the best Database Cleaner! You can find it [here](

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