Тема Impreza — Multi-Purpose Theme


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Impreza — Multi-Purpose Theme - Impreza - универсальная тема для создания стильного сайта

  • Гибкие настройки темы;
  • Понятный и удобный интерфейс Drag&Drop
  • Полная адаптивность под любые типы устройств;
  • Различные варианты дизайна щапки и футера...

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Выложите пожалуйста версию 8.0
Выложите пожалуйста версию 8.0
Impreza — Multi-Purpose Theme 8.0.2

Version 8.0.2 — July 2, 2021 #​

  • IMPROVED columns layout – added "Columns Layout via CSS grid" option, which allows to turn back the old columns layout to avoid issues with many customizations.
  • UPDATED Google Fonts list
  • UPDATED languages files
  • FIXED "Columns Stacking Width" option – now it works in both (old and new) columns layouts
  • FIXED bug when Full Height Row resets the Vertical Alignment after page update
  • FIXED bug when single quotes in French translation break color pickers
  • FIXED bug when isn't possible to change/save White Label options
  • FIXED bug when Page Scroller shows a JS error in console
  • FIXED error related to the "mb_strtolower" usage
  • FIXED work of Popup element in Header Builder
  • FIXED work of background image in FlipBox
  • FIXED work of fonts with numeric names
Impreza — Multi-Purpose Theme 8.0.4
Version 8.0.4 — July 7, 2021

  • FIXED bug when fonts merging isn't working with allow_url_fopen=off
  • FIXED bug when Menu Page Block corrupts Header Initial Position
  • FIXED bug when CSS isn't applied to shop page content elements
  • FIXED bug when the stretched column isn't stacking on mobiles
  • FIXED bug when content disappears in Live Editor with Yoast
  • FIXED bug when Separator responsive height isn't working
  • FIXED bug when fade animation is broken in Carousels
  • FIXED bug when Wrapper can't be added to Inner Row
  • FIXED bug when column animations aren't working
  • FIXED bug when Sticky Column stopped working
  • FIXED bug when Live Editor works for all users
  • FIXED bug when Web-safe fonts aren't loading
Impreza — Multi-Purpose Theme 8.0.5
v8.0.5 — July 15, 2021

  • FIXED bug when Popup element settings page isn't working in Header Builder
  • FIXED bug when Gap between columns wasn't changing in the Live Editor
  • FIXED bug when Google Fonts changed the appearance of umlauts
  • FIXED bug when Page Block element shows ID instead of the name
  • FIXED bug when {{us_attachment_link}} link stopped working
  • FIXED bug when Inner Row lost its wpb_row CSS class
Тут сразу со всеми платными плагинами, которые тоже nulled
  • Мне нравится
Симпатии: lutty
А будет 8.2.1? Там 1 исправление, но именно оно мне нужно =D