Плагин WP Cerber Security Pro — Complete Solution: Firewall, Anti-Spam, Alware Removal

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WP Cerber Security Pro — Complete Solution: Firewall, Anti-Spam, Alware Removal - WP Cerber Security Pro - активно защищает WordPress от хакерских атак, спама и вредоносных программ.

  • Антиспам для всех форм на сайте;
  • Ограничивает доступ к REST API и XML-RPC;
  • Защищает формы WooCommerce и страницу оформления заказа;
  • Защищает...

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WP Cerber Security Pro 8.9
This version brings a lot of small but important changes and updates to many parts of WP Cerber, but primarily to the malware scanner. Almost all aspects of file scanning have been improved and optimized. It means fewer false positives, more precise risk analysis, and better scan performance. Although most of them are under the hood, we expect you’ll get a better experience with the scanner.

Breaking changes​

The minimum supported PHP version is 7.0.


  • An updated scan statistic and filtering widget. Dynamically displays the most important issues with sorting.
  • The percentage of completion of a scanner step is shown now.
  • Sanitizing of malformed filenames in the scanner reports has been improved to avoid possible issues with the layout of the scan results page if malware creates malformed filenames to hinder their detection.
  • Handling of WordPress locales and versions on websites with multilanguage plugins has been improved.
  • A missing wp-config-sample.php file is not reported as an issue in the results of the scan anymore.
  • Improved handling REGEX patterns for the setting fields “Restrict email addresses” and “Prohibited usernames”. Now they support REGEX quantifiers.
  • Text on the forbidden page is translatable now.
  • You can specify the “User-Agent” string for requests from the main (master) Cerber.Hub website by defining the PHP constant CERBER_HUB_UA in the wp-config.php file. Here is the line you can use:define('CERBER_HUB_UA', 'My User Agent');
  • Diagnostic logging for network requests to the WP Cerber cloud. To enable logging, define the PHP constant CERBER_CLOUD_DEBUG in the wp-config.php file. Logging covers admin operations on the WP Cerber admin pages only. Here is the line you need to add:define('CERBER_CLOUD_DEBUG', 1);
  • Breaking changes on the plugin admin pages: all versions of Internet Explorer browser and Safari browser version 13.0 and older are not supported anymore, meaning some elements might not work as expected.

Minor bugs fixed​

  • Scanner bug: some long filenames in the scan results break the layout of the scan results page, making it hard to navigate and use.
  • Scanner bug: unwanted file extensions are not detected if a file is identified as malicious.
  • Scanner bug: if a file is missing, the full filename is not shown in the scan results when clicking the “Show full filenames” icon.
  • PHP Warning: “Undefined variable $user_login in /wp-login.php.”
  • PHP Warning: “Undefined variable $error in /wp-login.php.”
  • PHP 8 Deprecated: “Required parameter $function follows optional parameter $pattern in /plugins/wp-cerber/cerber-scanner.php.”
  • PHP Fatal error: “Call to undefined function crb_admin_hash_token() in cerber-load.php.”
  • PHP Notice: “Undefined property: WP_Error::$ID in cerber-load.php.”
Nuclears обновил ресурс WP Cerber Security Pro — Complete Solution: Firewall, Anti-Spam, Alware Removal новой записью:


Name: 8.9.rar
File Size: 1847298 Byte(s) (1.76 MB)
Modified Date: 2021-11-19 19:30
MD5: 0873a0d3fd8ef5b6f6ca6ee0c0effe84
SHA1: 066da2ab8a071c3a7eff4fa05b7eb4131689ef8c
SHA256: f0d07222c739c1685c8571f944868db986c1da7042fa1507d3e0cb20007845ad
CRC32: 88bcd22f

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Nuclears обновил ресурс WP Cerber Security Pro — Complete Solution: Firewall, Anti-Spam, Alware Removal новой записью:


Name: 8.9.3.rar
File Size: 1849786 Byte(s) (1.76 MB)
MD5: dabaf1c9ece898cf14259be1a406eb8b
SHA1: 279c5221879e97a46b23d46d31c675202258d1fc
SHA256: f8b0da1e763b3c85bf749c89afcb76b7104b2de6a7035b8377c8956a9b2553ed
CRC32: cc525ea9

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