Плагин Advanced Custom Fields PRO


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Advanced Custom Fields - Advanced Custom Fields
Advanced Custom Fields - это Wordpress плагин, который позволяет добавлять дополнительные поля при редактировании контента. Дополнительные поля позволяют вам разрабатывать сайт быстрее и облегчают процесс обучения клиента возможностям админки.

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Advanced Custom Fields PRO 5.9.6
= 5.9.6 =
*Release Date - 20 May 2021*

* Enhancement - Added 'position' setting compatibility for Options Page submenus.
* Enhancement - Visually highlight "High" metabox area when dragging metaboxes.
* Fix - Fixed compatibility issue between Block matrix alignment setting and the latest version of Gutenberg (10.6).
* Fix - Fixed bug breaking WYSIWYG field after reordering a child block via the block's toolbar up/down buttons.
* Fix - Added missing "readonly" and "disabled" attributes to DateTime and Time picker fields.
* Fix - Fixed bug incorrectly validating Email field values containing special characters.
* Fix - Fixed missing "dashicons" asset dependency from front-end forms.
* Fix - Fixed bug causing Review JSON diff modal to appear with narrow column since WP 5.7.
* Dev - Added label elements to Repeater, Flexible Content and Clone field's table header titles.
* Dev - Added new `ACF_EXPERIMENTAL_ESC_HTML` constant. [Read more](https://github.com/AdvancedCustomFields/acf/issues/500)

= 5.9.5 =
*Release Date - 11 February 2021*

* Fix - Fixed regression preventing blocks from loading correctly within the editor in WordPress 5.5.
* Fix - Fixed bug causing incorrect post_status properties when restoring a Field Group from trash in WordPress 5.6.
* Fix - Fixed edge case bug where a taxonomy named "options" could interfere with saving and loading option values.
* Fix - Fixed additional PHP 8.0 warnings.
* i18n - Updated Finnish translation thanks to Mikko Kekki
Оригинальный плагин без модификаций. (Licensed)
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Advanced Custom Fields PRO 5.9.7
= 5.9.7 =
*Release Date - 22 June 2021*

* Fix - Fixed PHP warnings logged due to incorrect parameter type for `add_menu_page()`/`add_submenu_page()`
* Fix - Fixed bug causing WYSIWYG field to not keep line breaks
* Fix - Fixed bug causing Email field to incorrectly invalidate emails with unicode characters
* Fix - Fixed bug causing file type validation to fail in some cases
* Fix - Fixed bug where newly uploaded or selected images do not contain custom preview size data

Имя: advanced-custom-fields-pro#5-9-7.zip
Размер: 2106187 байтов (2056 KiB)
CRC32: F3DB209D
SHA256: D1C11B9CFA599C2EDE1821DADFA2DFD914D4982C1012D25F5029B09A013A6984
SHA1: 18E0F8347E2446B2B0F4F90558DC83A005E35B32
Оригинальный плагин без модификаций. (Licensed)
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Вчера ACF обновили до 5.9.8 если есть возможность, обновите плз.
Advanced Custom Fields PRO 5.9.8
Оригинальный плагин без модификаций. (Licensed)
= 5.9.8 =
*Release Date - 08 July 2021*

* Fix - Fixed bug causing multiple image fields to not validate files properly
* Fix - Fixed bug preventing case-sensitive HTML tags from working in blocks
* Fix - Fixed bug causing JSX-enabled blocks to improperly remove whitespace in preview
* Fix - Fixed bug causing text fields to remove HTML entities when editing saved fields
* Fix - Fixed deprecated jQuery notices on "Add Field Group" page

Имя: advanced-custom-fields-pro#5-9-8.zip
Размер: 2141644 байтов (2091 KiB)
CRC32: 937DC26F
SHA256: 14A5C18090C4D27F2FDB0CB002A8B93A7C4D571FF562A607C2D3C1FB90EC53E7
SHA1: 84C5C00C74CDE421AF8D021979F784C415EB1C1C
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Не хватает файлов для pro версии.
Это полный лицензионный плагин. Можно ставить на реальный сайт.
Advanced Custom Fields PRO 5.9.9
= 5.9.9 =
*Release Date - 20 July 2021*

* Fix - Fixed warning when deleting fields which don't exist
* Fix - Fixed issues with older browsers and the blocks JavaScript
* Fix - Fixed file size & file type validation for front end forms using the basic uploader

Имя: advanced-custom-fields-pro#5-9-9.zip
Размер: 2148069 байтов (2097 KiB)
CRC32: 1107C751
SHA256: 904CD30AA1C76555CA5F98CA6B7D485A9DAEECDFB95C8FC0EBBC6E0F0F6C8780
SHA1: 4B677C15E0A089AE4FF1760AF97B572D1CB30B01
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Advanced Custom Fields PRO 5.10.1
= v5.10.1 = Release Date - 26 August 2021
* Fix - Fixed conflict with WooCommerce loading SelectWoo which is not directly compatible with Select2.

= v5.10 = Release Date - 25 August 2021
* [View Release Post](https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/blog/acf-5-10-release-html-escaping-blocks-api-v2-block-preloading-and-more/)
* Enhancement - Improved security by running all user-generated content through `wp_kses()` by default
* Enhancement - New ACF Blocks features
* Switched to v2 of the Blocks API for WordPress 5.6+
* Block preloading now enabled by default
* Block preloading now supports blocks set to "Edit" mode
* Add support for full height alignment setting
* Enhancement - Added setting to color picker field to enable an opacity slider
* Enhancement - Allow deletion of first field group location rule if multiple rules have been added thanks to Arthur Shlain
* Fix - Fixed vulnerability with `acf_shortcode()` where users with subscriber role could view arbitrary ACF data, thanks to Keitaro Yamazaki
* Fix - Fixed vulnerability where users with subscriber role could move fields and view field groups, thanks to Keitaro Yamazaki
* Fix - Fixed issue where fields in legacy widgets weren't saving in new widget block editor
* Fix - Fixed issue with custom field validation in scheduled posts
* Fix - Fixed warnings thrown by clone field if the cloned field group is empty
* Fix - Fixed issue where Select2 search input wouldn't have focus in WordPress 5.8+
* Fix - Fixed issue with Select2 value sorting when Yoast SEO is installed
* Fix - Fixed deprecation warnings in block editor in WordPress 5.6+
* i18n - Updated Swedish translation thanks to Erik Betshammar
Advanced Custom Fields Pro 5.10.2
= v5.10.2 =
*Release Date - 31 August 2021*

* Fix - Fixed block duplication issues which created blocks with duplicate block IDs
* Fix - Fixed an issue with ACF errors displaying in the media library outside of ACF fields
* Fix - Changed label of "Enable Opacity?" to "Allow transparency" in the colour picker
* Fix - Revert "style" attributes of ACF Blocks to 5.9.x behaviour for template compatibility
* Fix - Allow safe HTML inside select2 field labels
* Fix - Don't render the "acf-block-preview" div when preloading blocks in edit mode
Advanced Custom Fields PRO 5.11
Оригинальный плагин без модификаций. (Licensed)

= 5.11 =
*Release Date - 10 November 2021*

* New - Fields can now be viewed and updated with the WordPress REST API (props @mishterk)
* New - License key can now be defined in code with the "ACF_PRO_LICENSE" constant
* Enhancement - Improved error handling for expired or deactivated licenses
* Enhancement - Improved support for various block editor features, such as block styles and padding/spacing
* Enhancement - Added support for using WordPress "Screen Options" to hide field groups in Classic Editor
* Enhancement - Support filters adding custom classes on date and time field inputs
* Enhancement - Support filtering ACF shortcode attributes (with the "shortcode_atts_acf" filter)
* Fix - Removed usages of PHP "extract()" function
* Fix - Fixed a security issue with user field
* Fix - Fixed a security issue with "acf_get_value()"
* Fix - Correctly set ".acf-block-preview" wrapper when previewing a block in auto mode
* Fix - Resolved an issue with select2 rendering for nav menu fields
* Fix - Fixed an issue with file validation that occurred when removing a file that failed validation
* Fix - Fixed a notice in "acf_prepare_field()"
* Fix - Prevented an issue where setting an empty string for the return format of date and time fields would cause JS errors
* Fix - Fix issues with conditional logic for multi-select fields (props @bhujagendra-ishaya)
* Fix - Added support for Google Maps schema change which prevented Google Maps fields from correctly saving the city for some areas
* Fix - Fixed an issue where removing the collapsed property of a repeater prevents viewing previously collapsed rows
* i18n - Updated Polish Translations (props @webnatural)
* Dev - Formatted JavaScript to WordPress code standards

Имя: advanced-custom-fields-pro#5-11.zip
Размер: 2678314 байтов (2615 KiB)
CRC32: 3F589941
SHA256: 3613CE9593A7F7C6AC838121AEA5EED6ED0A67FCF09DC9A58F493879171C4E34
SHA1: 48476007B6BDBA4AA2D09F631FABDD39A27F0BB1
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Advanced Custom Fields PRO 5.11.1
Оригинальный плагин без модификаций. (Licensed)

= 5.11.1 =
*Release Date - 18 November 2021*

* Enhancement - Added "acf/admin/license_key_constant_message" filter to allow changing of the "Your license key is defined in wp-config.php" message
* Fix - Added warning for when get_field() or similar functions are called before ACF has initialized. [Learn more](https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/acf-field-functions/)
* Fix - Fixed fields not appearing on user REST API endpoints if their field group location was set to a user form other than "all"
* Fix - Fixed warning in REST API if a custom field type did not have the "show_in_rest" property
* Fix - Fixed an error that could occur if value of WYSIWYG field was not a string

Имя: advanced-custom-fields-pro#5-11-1.zip
Размер: 2679331 байтов (2616 KiB)
CRC32: 66D508E6
SHA256: 3716A9874F45ABCB6AAD1E85EDDD4D745D4C2B30E53A32F8D47CD84BB4BAF3C8
SHA1: 9F21748A2FF335B9C4E09F41B206D06BE0E5B9C2
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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Advanced Custom Fields новой записью:

Advanced Custom Fields PRO 5.11.3
Оригинальный плагин без модификаций. (Licensed)

= 5.11.3 =
*Release Date - 24th November 2021*
* Fix - Fixed a bug when accessing field values for options pages registered with a custom post_id

= 5.11.2 =
*Release Date - 24th November 2021*

* Fix - Previously implemented data access changes for get_field() and the_field() are now limited to the ACF shortcode only. [Learn more](https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/acf-field-functions/)
* Fix - get_field() and the_field() functions can once again access meta...

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Последнее редактирование:
Starwanderer обновил ресурс Advanced Custom Fields PRO новой записью:

Advanced Custom Fields PRO 5.11.4
Оригинальный плагин без модификаций. (Licensed)

= 5.11.4 =
*Release Date - 2nd December 2021*

* Fix - Fixed several Select2.js conflicts with other plugins
* Fix - Fixed an issue where block name sanitization could change valid block names containing double hyphens
* Fix - Fixed an issue where blocks with integer IDs could fail to load example field data
Имя: advanced-custom-fields-pro#5-11-4.zip
Размер: 2672087 байтов (2609 KiB)
CRC32: 14FF3D37

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Форумчане, достигшие уровня III могут загрузить плагин без затрат баллов.
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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Advanced Custom Fields PRO новой записью:

Advanced Custom Fields PRO 5.12
Оригинальный плагин без модификаций. (Licensed)
= 5.12 =
*Release Date 23rd February 2022*

* [View Release Post](https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/blog/acf-5-12-released/)
* New - ACF blocks now support the new Full Site Editor included in WordPress 5.9
* New - ACF blocks now support the WordPress Query Loop block
* New - Added block caching system to reduce the number of AJAX calls in the block editor
* Enhancement - Block preloading can now be disabled by using "acf_update_setting( 'preload_blocks', false );" in...

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
Starwanderer обновил ресурс Advanced Custom Fields PRO новой записью:

Advanced Custom Fields PRO 5.12.2
Оригинальный плагин без модификаций. (Licensed)
= 5.12.2 =
*Release Date 6th April 2022*

* Fix - Cloned fields in custom named options pages now behave correctly
* Fix - Default values and the `acf/load_value` filter are now applied if a field value load [fails security validation](https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/resources/acf-field-functions/#non-acf-data)
* Fix - The ACF field is no longer present in REST responses if the ACF REST API setting is disabled
* Fix - Duplicating a flexible content layout or...

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Advanced Custom Fields PRO новой записью:

Advanced Custom Fields PRO 5.12.3
Оригинальный плагин без модификаций. (Licensed)
= 5.12.3 =
*Release Date 14th July 2022*

* Security Fix - Inputs for basic file uploads are now nonced to prevent an issue which could allow arbitrary file uploads to forms with ACF fields (Thanks to James Golovich from Pritect, Inc.)
Имя: advanced-custom-fields-pro#5-12-3.zip
Размер: 2695148 байтов (2631 KiB)
CRC32: FC74599E
SHA256: BD84B34595E4354D6B86B533A49BB1B208574D9F483020C4404D75EF6136CF09
SHA1: C863E1FA1655E051E03D164F9E5DB6E7DD7829CE

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Нужна помощь. Помогите вывести с помощью модуля метатеги.
Starwanderer обновил ресурс Advanced Custom Fields PRO новой записью:

Advanced Custom Fields PRO 6.0.0
Оригинальный плагин без модификаций. (Licensed)
= 6.0.0 =
*Release Date 21st September 2022*

* New - ACF now has a new refreshed UI with improved UX for editing field groups, including a new tabbed settings layout for fields. Third party ACF extension plugin developers can read more about the optional changes they can make to support the new tabs in [our release announcement post](https://www.advancedcustomfields.com/blog/acf-6-0-released/#new-ui)
* New - Repeaters now have an optional "Pagination" setting which can...

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Advanced Custom Fields PRO новой записью:

Advanced Custom Fields PRO 6.0.2

Оригинальный плагин без модификаций. (Licensed)
6.0.2 - Release Date 29th September 2022

Improvement - Field group and field rows no longer animate on hover to reveal the action links
Fix - Field order is now saved correctly when fields are reordered
Fix - WordPress notice styles outside of ACF's admin screens are no longer affected by the plugin's CSS

6.0.1 - Release Date 28th September 2022

Improvement -...

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