Тема Divi - The Ultimate WordPress Theme & Visual Page Builder

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Divi Theme v4.10.7 - универсальный шаблон для WordPress​

MD5 76423fcdd92defa5f0fbaa0d91749d4b
SHA-1 e18ab0bd63e5ad12fa965647a4407859ed5e15e5
SHA-256 5ab68920d6ed6252487d028b2d1059ed0cd6673ede5ff98b3992002b17b37707
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File type ZIP
Magic Zip archive data, at least v2.0 to extract
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TrID Mozilla Archive Format (gen) (31.1%)
TrID ZIP compressed archive (17.7%)
TrID PrintFox/Pagefox bitmap (640x800) (4.4%)
File size 10.03 MB (10517496 bytes)
Divi 4.11.2 (07.10.2021)
Оригинальная тема без изменений (Licensed).
- Fixed incorrect parent module attributes assigned on some 3rd-party modules.
- Fixed an issue with WooCommerce rating where the stars were duplicated in the comment form in Firefox.
- Fixed issue with Google Fonts performance improvement not utilizing its internal cache as intended and resulting in extra HTTP calls on each page load.
- Fixed Theme Builder styles missing in password protected pages.
- Fixed Fullwidth Slider Module's swipe to change slides on mobile not working.
- Fixed Social Media Follow Module's icons not showing up when used in a Post Slider Module when Dynamic Icons is enabled.
- Fixed incompatibility between Defer jQuery feature and some third party scripts.
- Fixed an issue where scrolling didn't work in Theme Builder Wireframe View when Smooth Scroll was enabled.

Имя: Divi#4-11-2.zip
Размер: 10588852 байтов (10 MiB)
CRC32: DEE58204
SHA256: E4125FED883A062D64D55F3FB5D73F43C976993AF6F5ECA7C43E25B98ECCE707
SHA1: D5FCC65CB361C511018DD737D444F26B3E739541
Последнее редактирование:
@Starwanderer , вчера вышла 4.11.3. Может обновите до актуальной версии ?
Divi 4.11.3 (15.10.2021)
Оригинальная тема без изменений (Licensed).
version 4.11.3 ( updated 10-15-2021 )
- Fixed a bug that could break the last published Post Header styles.
- Fixed Magnific Popup not working with gallery shortcode in child themes in certain cases.
- Fixed a bug with text alignment not working in the Blog module's grid layout.
- Fixed missing icon styles and missing popup styles on custom post types when Dynamic CSS was disabled.
- Fixed an incompatibility issue related to Defer jQuery optimization and some Mailchimp scripts.
- Fixed issue with gutter styles when 3rd party plugins inject Divi shortcodes.
- Fixed "Author", "Dynamic Posts", "Post Type" and "Search Results" Display Conditions so they would only run on related queries.
- Fixed issue that caused slowness or crashing of the visual builder on very large layouts.
- Added a new 'et_deferred_styles_rel' hook to allow changing the rel attribute for deferred styles.
- Fixed a bug with fold and flip animations that was introduced in Firefox 93 due to a change in how the perspective function works.
- Fixed cache not being removed when theme builder templates are being reset.
- Fixed issue with auto blogging plugins not rendering styles for theme builder layouts.
- Fixed "Author", "Dynamic Posts", "Post Type" and "Search Results" Display Conditions so they would only run on related queries.
- Fixed styles are not being applied on the FE after updating a layout/ global module.
- Fixed missing cloud tag widget styles.
- Fixed sidebar separator being in the wrong place on regular pages if all widgets are removed.

Имя: Divi#4-11-3.zip
Размер: 10596266 байтов (10 MiB)
SHA256: 23FC0177B8FDF9C89A1DCB87B28E3698AE31ADD599ACF3292CC7F447646C66D6
SHA1: 8521A1C46C47E42456C97FC8B5EF348E613CF2F0

@Starwanderer , вчера вышла 4.11.3. Может обновите до актуальной версии ?
Можно позавидовать их плодовитости в последнее время.
Divi 4.11.4 (22.10.2021)
Оригинальная тема без изменений (Licensed).
version 4.11.4 ( updated 10-22-2021 )
- Fixed Display Condition's Post Category and Category Page conditions to exclude "Product Tag" taxonomy from their list.
- Fixed a compatibility issue with 3rd Party module Divi Filterable Blog Module.
- Fixed WP Rocket compatibility affecting certain modules' animations.
- Fixed laggy issue in Visual builder.
- Fixed responsive and hover mode value not inheriting desktop mode value after value reset.
- Fixed hover background image transitions not working.
- Fixed an issue with Responsive Views where a left- or right-snapped Settings modal could cause an incomplete View Mode transition.
- Fixed Find & Replace doesn't work when finding and replacing default value.
- Fixed Find & Replace border style select component has no options.
- Fixed Find & Replace Button Module background settings don't get replaced.
- Fixed Find & Replace one heading style, it replaces other headings style too.
- Fixed Find & Replace Fullwidth Header module title doesn't work.
- Fixed Author, Post Type and Dynamic Posts display conditions so it would work with WooCommerce shop page.
- Fixed Sendinblue V3 api not fetching all the lists.
- Fixed an issue where the footer widgets were hidden in the Theme Customizer with certain column layout variations.
Скрытое содержимое. Вам нужно войти или зарегистрироваться.
Примечание: Под PHP 8.0 есть предупреждения. Сайты с данной темой пока под новую версию PHP переводить не стоит.
Последнее редактирование:
Divi 4.13.1 (11.11.2021)
Оригинальная тема без изменений (Licensed).
version 4.13.1 ( updated 11-11-2021 )
- Fixed front end .css files being enqueued inside the Visual Builder when editing category pages using the Theme Builder Editor.
- Fixed issue with Post Content Module error inside the Specialty section.
- Fixed visual builder laggy on Initial load.
- Fixed error when double click on child module preview to open settings modal.
- Fixed Divi Placeholder block is not rendered properly on edit post admin page.
- Updated Display Conditions feature making it more robust and added specific hooks to disable/enable Display Conditions site-wide.
- Refactored Dynamic Assets for improved technical maintainability.
- Fixed error in the browser console when doing drag and drop modules.
- Introduces new action hook after contact form entry is submitted.

Имя: Divi#4-13-1.zip
Размер: 12086371 байтов (11 MiB)
CRC32: 153E65A0
SHA256: 56E6E8365BC392DF16DA3A999B9CEAB83F16F601B10C846842E57DE52A6EA276
SHA1: 3B786AFFE6264337D437B335A5B4AF64C26A6741
Скрытое содержимое. Вам нужно войти или зарегистрироваться.
Divi 4.14.2 (30.11.2021)
Оригинальная тема без изменений (Licensed).
version 4.14.2 ( updated 11-30-2021 )
- Fixed issue with Divi activation upon editing Divi Layout Block in Gutenberg.
- Fixed the margin applying for the icon with the left placement in the Blurb module.
- Fixed delayed editor switching from GB to VB when activating VB by replacing waitForSave() that is based on@wordpress/data's subscribe() with evaluating state and props change that is already passed by Higher Order Component from store's state.
- Fixed break in gallery module tablet layout when item titles have different lengths.
- Added wrapper to expanded icon picker styles.
- Fixed Text alignment option not working on front-end pages.
- Fixed padding setting for modules that have buttons (including the Button module) and set an button's icon.
- Fixed issue that renders invisible text in Gutenberg editor.
- Fixed center text alignment not working for the Person module.
- Fixed console error caused by invalid srcset attributes in SVG images when "Enable Responsive Images" option is on.
- Improved Display Conditions technical implementation for rendering Tooltip contents.
- Fixed tablet/mobile (auto) width not reflecting in VB when width is assigned in responsive view for desktop only.
- Fixed the Fields default border radius value for Cart Totals and Cart Products modules.
- Fixed PHP 8 deprecation warning on Icon module.
- Fixed error when accessing background image of button module.
- Improved display of Divi icons when Dynamic Assets is turning on.
- Added loading of the Icon Modules styles on FE.
- Fixed some layout export errors in PHP 8.
- Fixed hidden sections dots appearing in page dot navigation.
- Fixed Default white link color in Footer Widgets set from Theme Customizer was not working.

Имя: Divi#4-14-2.zip
Размер: 12203078 байтов (11 MiB)
SHA256: AAE25D852E0B92E16742ACF03135A5E7FC898D04B41B05E7394906CC0544C21E
SHA1: 9902DE78E9D6BCBB1D360E2B0F11F0981EB02A43

Форумчане, достигшие уровня III, могут загрузить тему без затрат баллов.
Скрытое содержимое. Вам нужно войти или зарегистрироваться.
Divi 4.14.4 (17.12.2021)
Оригинальная тема без изменений (Licensed).
version 4.14.4 ( updated 12-17-2021 )
- Fixed a conflict with SiteGround Optimizer where the Theme Customizer styles would not work when the Output Styles Inline option was enabled in Divi's Theme Options.
- Fixed a compatibility issue with SiteGround Optimizer that would cause the Divi Builder to timeout.
- Fixed order class suffix changing from _0 to _1 due to the use of do_shortcode().
* composer.json
* includes/builder/feature/dynamic-assets/class-dynamic-assets.php
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/functions.php
* includes/builder/plugin-compat/sg-cachepress.php
* includes/builder/scripts/src/builder.js

version 4.14.3 ( updated 12-16-2021 )
- Added the all new "Product Stock" condition to Display Conditions feature.
- Added the all new "Custom Field" condition to Display Conditions feature.
- Added the all new "URL Parameter" condition to Display Conditions feature.
- Fixed various various TinyMCE editor options not working in Theme Builder in Extra theme.
- Fixed repetitive text on all Checkout modules along w/ the missing default border width for the payment methods.
- Fixed all Checkout modules that displayed errors when a Product in cart goes out of stock while Checkout.
- The margin container in the Icon Module was reassigned to the main Icon Module container.
- Fixed Fields Text size option not targeting the right elements on Checkout page.
- Fixed default pricing tables color for frequency not being properly applied in certain cases.
- Fixed an issue where preset CSS are always Loaded even when presets are not used.
- Fixed fatal error shown when Shop module, used on a page, is viewed after disabling the Woocommerce plugin.
- Fixed Checkout workflow failure when checkout page is built using Theme Builder.
- Fixed using of slashes in the Date Format option in Blog, Fullwidth Post Title and Post Title modules.
- Fixed max-height set on image module for mobile devices resulting in stretched image.
- Fixed a PHP warning that occurred when the stored Global Presets History was an array instead of an object.
- Fixed shipping address not working when Cart Totals module is used.
- Fixed inconsistent form notice's font weight in the Checkout Payment module.
- Fixed bottom content jumping issue with Sliders on Webkit based browsers.
- Fixed a PHP 8 deprecation notice in the Cross Sells Module.
- Fixed bug with removing sections from Post Content module when there is only one section inside the Body Layout.
- Fixed issue with editing page content that is nested inside the Post Content Module in Body Template in Full Site Editing mode.
- Fixed Blurb module header color transition not working with the Text Color option.
- Fixed an issue with video responsiveness and dimensions on accordion module when dynamic js lib was enabled.
- Improve SiteGround Optimizer plugin compatibility with Dynamic Assets.
- Fixed broken Column Label Option Group styles on Table & Phone modes in Cart Totals module.
- Fixed compatibility issues with Optima Express IDX Plugin.
- Improve reCaptcha compatibility with 3rd Party reCaptcha solutions.
- Fixed Cart Totals module's Table Cells Background Color option not working in Phone mode.
- Fixed Fields Focus Text color being overridden in Checkout Info module.

Имя: Divi#4-14-4.zip
Размер: 12212792 байтов (11 MiB)
CRC32: 405DEF6C
SHA256: EB213B595142E6475827B853859B52F5F0C563F410A87E93FAC7960CD1B29AB1
SHA1: 4B06D824924EE839D68F6FFECD678FB006EA2B9E

Форумчане, достигшие уровня III, могут загрузить тему без затрат баллов.
Скрытое содержимое. Вам нужно войти или зарегистрироваться.
Последнее редактирование:
Divi 4.14.5 (05.01.2022)
Оригинальная тема без изменений (Licensed).
version 4.14.5 ( updated 01-05-2022 )
- Fixed missing Table Header styles in Phone mode when using the Cart Products module.
- Added option to let user enable or disable Theme Builder Editor inside Visual Builder.
- Fixed the broken magic colors system.
- Fixed a compatibility issue with WP Rocket where the option to remove unused CSS was removing required CSS for the Blog Module's column size.
- Fixed PHP 8.1 deprecated FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING constant on BFB initial content.
- Fixed PHP 8.1 deprecated FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING constant on Global Presets and Colors features.
- Fixed broken WooCommerce extensions elements added on single product, product related pages, and Woo modules.
- Fixed Divi icons rendering saved in the Global Presets(GP) with unicode format: $ on VB.
- Fixed the Cart Products table styles allowing the table to be responsive.
- Fixed an issue with slide move-to that caused unwanted max-height being applied on all modules that use this function.
- Fixed issue with double wrappers when page has only the Body Layout created in Theme Builder.
- Fixed error in the console when scrolling and having 3rd party modules with child in the content.
- Fixed missing no account warning text when accessing Library Layouts of Divi Layout block.
- Fixed PHP 8.1 warnings when Dynamic Assets feature is enabled.
- Fixed some PHP 8.1 deprecation warnings and errors.
- Fixed an issue where the Blog module grid style would not work correctly due to Salvattore failing to retrieve the number of columns.
- Improved display of Divi icons when Dynamic Assets is turning on.
- Fixed incorrect Core - Post Excerpt block result on the FE.
- Fixed copy/paste between Radio and Selected Radio option groups in the Checkout Payment module.
- Fixed wrong height of Full-width slider image when placed immediately after transparent primary Menu.
- Fixed reCaptcha not visible when Dynamic CSS option is disabled.
- Added "Posts for Current Page" loop option for Blog module in Visual Theme Builder Editor.
- Fixed some PHP 8.1 deprecation warnings and errors.

Имя: Divi#4-14-5.zip
Размер: 12225687 байтов (11 MiB)
CRC32: 7CD8B862
CRC64: 7A7BD5EA73B0B9C1
SHA256: F6FF12679AB1A4A573550520824533754AD46C8D8017986F22E3607A1D55EF19
SHA1: 9568283A7FF8937A5968FE42E1F8E3AC3B3127C7
BLAKE2sp: 06AAC5AF6986BEC877F3544E535A5A34F8A11C17FE87EFF7130448F4645447D4

Форумчане, достигшие уровня III, могут загрузить тему без затрат баллов.
Скрытое содержимое. Вам нужно войти или зарегистрироваться.
Divi 4.14.6 (13.01.2022)
Оригинальная тема без изменений (Licensed).
version 4.14.6 ( updated 01-13-2022 )
- Fixed auto-opening preview tab when Divi Woo Product page is loaded w/ Rank Math plugin enabled.
- Fixed unintended lag in the Visual Builder caused by a previous bug fix.
- Fixed an issue where the layout(s) images were not exported from Divi Libray in some cases.

Имя: Divi#4-14-6.zip
Размер: 12225886 байтов (11 MiB)
CRC32: 9674C3EB
SHA256: 4B04EF1DB0959C4B4D8AD8DE14BDB172C18ECAC0C32FAA252BE009A61DCD7308
SHA1: B4B25668CB0A095C3D1704BAEC2A0B7638DFA698

Форумчане, достигшие уровня III, могут загрузить тему без затрат баллов.
Скрытое содержимое. Вам нужно войти или зарегистрироваться.
Последнее редактирование:
Это лицензионная версия или с варезников ? Как-то обменник и формат архива настораживают.
@Starwanderer , можете выложить свой вариант ?
Я, честно говоря, думал, что эти темы уже никому не нужны, скачиваний нет. Загромождать форум никому не нужными вещами, тоже незачем. Если потребность есть, то буду выкладывать.
А с архивом, что выложил weby, всё в порядке. Сравнил пофайлово - всё совпадает. Можете использовать без опасений.
Divi 4.17 (06.04.2022)
Оригинальная тема без изменений (Licensed).
version 4.17 ( updated 04-06-2022 )
- Added Divi Cloud storage system for Divi layouts.
- Launched new version of the Divi Library popup in the Visual Builder.
- Added the ability to manage Divi Library tags and categories in the Visual Builder.
- Added new tag view mode in the Divi Library popup, allowing layouts to be categorized into tag "folders."
- Added the ability to edit, preview, duplicate, delete and restore Divi Library layouts in the Visual Builder.
- Added the ability to favorite local and pre-made layouts.
- Added new sort modes and filtering options to the layouts list in the Divi Library popup.
- Added the ability to create new tags and categories when saving layouts in the Divi Library from the Visual Builder.

Форумчане, достигшие уровня III, могут загрузить тему без затрат баллов.
Скрытое содержимое. Вам нужно войти или зарегистрироваться.
С одной стороны, пишу сообщение, чтобы понять какой у меня уроввень.
С другой - вопрос.

Если установить сначала "правильную" версию и вариант из демо, довести его до ума, то потом идет переход на новые версии WordPress без проблем?
Т.е. стандартный режим: взял демку, наковырял на свой вкус, подредактировал. А тут тебе через год - опа! А кто ты такой? Не работает - обращайся в стандартную техподдержку с указанием кода приобретения.

Ну, или вариант долго не обновлять тему, пок wordPress совсем не обновится...
Divi 4.17.4 (12.05.2022)
Оригинальная тема без изменений (Licensed).
Version 4.17.4 ( updated 05-12-2022 )
- Fixed PHP 8 warning for Specialty Column Section Background Settings on Frontend for some cases.
- Fixed Body Line Height option affects the Menu Module icons.
- iFrame from custom field is now allowed to be embedded as Dynamic Content.
- Fixed issue when 3P modules have custom selector for background hover, it's no longer worked and inherited main selector instead with :hover suffix.
- Fixed Import Presets checkbox when importing items to local library using Cloud App.
- Fixed warning MaxListenersExceededWarning printed in the console when opening global color setting field.
- Fixed social media module sticky margin overridden by desktop value.
- Fixed the title, description and the label name that possibly causes confusion when saving Section / Row / Module / Layout.
- Fixed background video not properly showing up on hover.
- Fixed a z-index ordering conflict between video backgrounds and section dividers.
- Fixed menu overflow issue in header with video background.
- Updated React Tooltip NPM package to the latest version.
- Fixed a bug which caused rendering the wrong CSS for image size on front end in some cases.
- Fixed a bug in BarCounter module to show percentage properly in VB.
- Added missing placeholder SVGs on Theme Builder.
- Removed unneeded help button from Save to Library Modal in some cases.
- Fixed migration of background gradient settings for Specialty Section columns.
- Exposed animation functionalities for third-party extensions.
- Fixed checkout module being unable to process the checkout request when "Ship to different address ?" is selected.
- Fixed issue where a Shop page built with Divi Builder could have some Woo Module styles broken on Front End.
- Fixed duplicate styles tag injected into VB builder HTML head element.
- Fix recently broken backwards compatibility in includes/builder/feature/Library.php.
- Fixed module count label when no results found in Divi Library, rather than "0 Module" it will display "No Results".
- Fixed Premade Items disappearing when logging out from Divi Cloud.
- Fixed Divi Library items list rendering in WP Admin.
- Fixed PHP error when exporting some layouts from Divi Library.
- Fixed Global Colors exporting when item is exported from the Divi Library.
- Added 'Update URI' plugin header check that can be used by 3rd party developers to avoid update conflicts with plugins sold on the Marketplace and the ones sold on the developer's website.
- Fixed a PHP fatal error that occured when installing themes on older versions of WordPress (5.4.10 or older).

Форумчане, достигшие уровня III, могут загрузить тему без затрат баллов.
Скрытое содержимое. Вам нужно войти или зарегистрироваться.
Скрытое содержимое. Вам нужно войти или зарегистрироваться.

Если установить сначала "правильную" версию и вариант из демо, довести его до ума, то потом идет переход на новые версии WordPress без проблем?
Т.е. стандартный режим: взял демку, наковырял на свой вкус, подредактировал. А тут тебе через год - опа! А кто ты такой? Не работает - обращайся в стандартную техподдержку с указанием кода приобретения.
Да, всё должно работать. По сути, там (в создаваемом билдером контенте) набор шорт-кодов и инструкций, которые билдер парсит и строит страницу, либо пост. Вы сами всё это можете увидеть, отключив билдер, либо сменив тему на стандартную.
Может написать, какой шаблон из демо хотите применить и я вам сделаю файлы шаблона для импорта.
Последнее редактирование: