Плагин Slider Revolution – #1 слайдер для WordPress


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Slider Revolution – #1 слайдер для Wordpress - Slider Revolution – лучший слайдер для Wordpress

  • Front End и Back End редактирование;
  • Адаптивный дизайн. Слайдер полностью адаптирован для работы на любых устройствах;
  • Прекрасный визуальный редактор, с которым справится даже новичок;
  • 200+ доступных шаблонов...

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Nuclears обновил ресурс Slider Revolution – #1 слайдер для WordPress новой записью:


v6.4.2 (26/feb/2021)​

  • Slides are now numbered in the actions choices for better usability


  • Video with unusual aspect ratios zoom in after slide animation. object-fit:cover is now removed from html5 videos
  • Material icon size conflict with WPBakery plugin resolved
  • Retina display shows blurry background images after Slide background animation
  • Random slide background animations break the editor and does...

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
Slider Revolution 6.4.3 + Addons
Version 6.4.3 (9th March 2021)

  • HTML5 video and background layer have a new option 'Video Fit Cover', by default this option is enabled to fit videos as cover. Disable it in case of video size jumps on slide change.
  • Force cover option on bg videos has been removed, the overlay option is now always available on bg videos

  • Layer videos without poster image and paused not showing until revisiting the slide
  • Filter willow breaks in Safari the background visibility. Safari will show a simple black and white filter instead
  • HTML5 video does not playing when the preload options are set to 'disabled'
  • Navigation thumb shows more thumbs on mobile due to a width calculation bug
  • Slider not resizing on touch screen desktop screens
  • Background video was getting pushed out of view if filter is set on slide
  • Long videos sometimes buffer. Logic for how videos start playing has been changed to address this but it still depends on browser's prediction and can't be always gauranteed
  • Overlay pattern was not working on video layer
  • Backend canvas was not clearing completely if browser was zoomed in
  • Justified carousel ignores aspect ratio at the first load if external images are used
  • Max amount of thumbnails is not working if the thumbnail space is set with the px suffix
Slider Revolution 6.4.8 + Addons

Version 6.4.8 (16th April 2021)

New Features

  • SVG Layer: Added new option ‘Style All Elements’, enabling it will style all SVG elements in layer, like ellipse, polygon etc.
  • Added popup on “url hash” to shortcode builder options
  • Added “1 Time per session Pop Up” option with session length (default 24 hours) in the shortcode builder options. (Disable and reload frontend to clear cookie)


  • Videos will not be prepared at the start on invisible slides, which will avoid unwanted loading side effects
  • Backend optimiziation, further editor loading time and runtime optimizations
    • Replaced Select2 function with ThemePunch functions which brings a great performance boost on the backend
    • Optimized the opening processes in the slider editor. Less loops on multiple draws until all elements are created
    • Replaced tons of innerHTML content building due documentFrames creation
    • Replaced slow input element initialisation processes
    • Added further RAF processes in drawing and initialisation processes to optimize editor runtime processes
    • Changed behaviour by dropping/dragging layers when a group is overlaying rows and columns with an overdimensioned shape inside


  • Multiselect dropdowns do not show the selected values
  • Scrolling, resizing screen during select dropdown is open, puts the dropdown offseted to original select position
  • Resizing Layers in editor with aspect ratio set to “auto” or “none” calculates the wrong height of element or giving NaNpx as result
  • Particles Addon 2.3.5: Custom 1 Colored SVG files from Original library can not be colored by particle styles
  • Swapping between External source, image source and solid color/transparent do not update the current slide background image in editor
  • Higher Modal window may add horizontal scrollbar on Window resize
  • Draging Text layer wrap the text if layer hit the right side of parent container, after releaseing all good
  • Slide based aligned layers in backend positioend wrong if layers added to group
Slider Revolution 6.5 + Addons

Version 6.5.0 (15th June 2021)​

New Features

  • Added vimeo thumbnail loader for background videos
  • Added new global initialisation process optimization
  • All JS files (except rbtools.min.js) will load asynchronous defered in footer to fill the new Google Lighthouse requests for better ranking
  • New global option to enable viewport an viewport distance on all existing modules with one click
  • New global option to overwrite "no lazy loading" with any other setting, to enable lazy loading internally in each slider modules
  • New modal API added to load any slider as modal via API i.e. jQuery.fn.revolution.openModalAPI(modal,modalslide,url) where the URL is the URL of ajax action, modal is the modal slider id and modal slide the modal slide id
  • Solved high memory usage on iOS browsers where 3x sized retina images may brake the maximum 384MB limitations
  • During slide animations, all content will reduce resolution to speed up the processing in complex rendering, however after that it changes back to the best available resolutions
  • Added two new metas to dynamic add current slide index and count of slides into layer content. {{current_slide_index}} and {{total_slide_count}}


  • Iris colorpicker click listener reloads page due to WordPress bug. Colorpicker will ignore that click event from RS side
  • Lock and visibility icons are not available on the layer list after adding, removing, duplicating layers
  • Disabling hover options on layers still shows animation on mouse enter and leave
  • Custom navigation presets can not be added or do not save
  • Weather AddOn location can not be extended
  • Page content jumps on initial load if JS files are added to the footer
  • Elliptical gradients are not drawing well
  • YouTube posters is not displaying after reloading editor
  • Navigation thumbs speed option is not working
  • Wrong start/end y position if from/to top or from/to bottom layer animation selected on rows
  • Some old slider layers had the subtype set accidentally which prevented them from being imported.
  • In very rare cases a normal slide converted into a global slide, making 2 global slides available in the module
  • Videos not playing in static slides if the slider layout is set to carousel
  • Parsing CSS can create a PHP notice
  • Safari mask animations do not show animation on second loop
  • PolyFold AddOn stops rendering the editor view until the browser gets resized
  • Added protection against Avada's transform z on main container which would break the scroll functionality of the slider
  • Global layers can not be controlled by layer actions
  • Canvas with too big area breaks on iOS
  • Selecting 'auto DPR 4' would select 'DPR 4'
  • Closing modals were failing due to a wrong id if the page had multiple modals
  • Video jumps/shows the cover a short time after the animation ends
  • Having none Isometric Slides before Isometric slider will brake in animation of Layers
  • Disable PanZoom on mobile has no effect
  • In the backend, layers are sometimes not in position until offsetted layers gets selected
  • Parallax content jumps on previous/next slide if page has been scrolled before slide change
  • Multiple carousel navigation's on same page conflicts with each other
  • Bullet navigation does not get recalculated on resize
  • Modal on default templates doesn't cover full width
  • Fullscreen modal doesn't show fullscreen if slider has "Decrease module height" option set