Компонент VMuikit X

Reza Esfandiari

Разрушитель (V)
7 000
Reza Esfandiari submitted a new resource:

VMuikit X - Full Dynamic Content support for VirtueMart! Use the power of YOOthemes Pro Builder

Changelog Version: 10.4

  • Dynamic layout feature added for VM Thankyou page
  • Fixed the shiptoaddress fields validation issue in "VMuikitx Onepage Checkout"
  • Fixed the product main image modal size issue in "VM Product details" template
  • Fixed the "VMuikitx Onepage Checkout page" popup modal close button issue
  • Fixed a small bug related to the warning message issue in "VM Product details" template
  • Fixed the language string issue for custom fields title in "VM Grid"...

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Reza Esfandiari updated VMuikit X with a new update entry:

VMUIkit 10.10

Full Dynamic Content support for VirtueMart! Use the power of YOOthemes Pro Builder to create Dynamic Templates for VirtueMart! Go to our dedicate VMuikit X page for more information.

Changelog Version: 10.10

  • New Custom Source added for Manufacturer
  • User can list all feature products from "custom category" source if category selection empty
  • Layout issue fixed in One page checkout
  • Payson payment issue fixed
  • New default Templates added for all views

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