Плагин WP Rocket

WP Rocket 3.10.4 Nulled
v3.10.4 November 25, 2021

  • Enhancement: Add site's name to the exported filename (#4487)
  • Enhancement: Make LazyLoad for iframes compatible with a11y audit, preview image will receive focus now (#4436)
  • Bugfix: Remove the last GLOB_BRACE from the codebase (#146)
  • Bugfix: Fix the display of messages when using incorrect syntax in specific fields (#4314)
  • Bugfix: Prevent fatal error when receiving empty value in preg_split() function (#4509)
  • Bugfix: Improve the regex to find and process more Google Fonts markups (#4188)
  • Bugfix: Prevent PHP Warning when unexpected pattern is added to DelayJS input field (#4136)
  • 3rd party compatibility: Add delay JS compatibility with GravityForms when using Recaptcha (#4425)
  • 3rd party compatibility: Display notices when conflicting features are enabled in Autoptimize (#4013, #4472)
  • 3rd party compatibility: Improve handling WooCommerce images while Delay JS is enabled (#4417)
  • i18n: Fixed Brazilian translation (#4395)
WP Rocket 3.10.6 Nulled
v3.10.6 - January 6, 2022
Enhancement: exclude additional patterns from JS minification (#4227, #4364)
Enhancement: exclude additional patterns from delay JS execution (#4358, #4506, #4604)
Enhancement: add a new filter rocket_exclude_post_taxonomy to exclude a post taxonomy from cache purge (#2820)
Bugfix: avoid adding commented-out stylesheet links into the <noscript> tag when using load CSS asynchronously (#4186)
Bugfix: prevent PHP notices in some cases when purging the cache for terms (#3464)
Bugfix: prevent unexpected closing of congratulations banner when closing the promo banner (#4064)
Regression fix: correctly exclude images using skip-lazy or data-skip-lazy from lazyload (#4576)
Спасибо за релиз!
Однако однако, обратите внимание на wp-content\plugins\wp-rocket\inc\functions\options.php on line 462.
Кажется, return как-то непонятно где, из-за этого:

Warning: Undefined variable $valid_details in ...\wp-content\plugins\wp-rocket\inc\functions\options.php on line 462

А если закрывающую скобочку функции rocket_valid_key() перенести на пару строк вниз? Даже размер файла не поменяется.
WP Rocket 3.10.7 (Null)
3.10.7 January 27, 2022

Enhancement: Increase SVG expiration to 4 months in htaccess configuration (#4603)
Enhancement: Add additional exclusions from defer JS (#4539, #4553, #4593)
Enhancement: Add additional exclusions from minify JS (#4593, #4616, #4654)
Enhancement: Add additional exclusions from delay JS execution (#4611, #4654)
Enhancement: Update the WP tested version value from our API (#3570)
Enhancement: Update the renewal banners displayed on the settings page (#4627)
Bugfix: Prevent applying defer JS exclusions to combine JS when defer JS is disabled (#4089)
Bugfix: Add the missing image dimension when only one of the dimension is defined (#3523)
Regression fix: Prevent removing IE conditional comments when async CSS is enabled (#4639)
3rd party compatibility: Disable Google fonts optimization and minify JS on AMP pages (#4563)
3rd party compatibility: Exclude WhatsApp user agent from cache (#4507)

Скрытое содержимое. Вам нужно войти или зарегистрироваться.
WP Rocket 3.10.7 Nulled
v3.10.7 January 27, 2022

  • Enhancement: Increase SVG expiration to 4 months in htaccess configuration (#4603)
  • Enhancement: Add additional exclusions from defer JS (#4539, #4553, #4593)
  • Enhancement: Add additional exclusions from minify JS (#4593, #4616, #4654)
  • Enhancement: Add additional exclusions from delay JS execution (#4611, #4654)
  • Enhancement: Update the WP tested version value from our API (#3570)
  • Enhancement: Update the renewal banners displayed on the settings page (#4627)
  • Bugfix: Prevent applying defer JS exclusions to combine JS when defer JS is disabled (#4089)
  • Bugfix: Add the missing image dimension when only one of the dimension is defined (#3523)
  • Regression fix: Prevent removing IE conditional comments when async CSS is enabled (#4639)
  • 3rd party compatibility: Disable Google fonts optimization and minify JS on AMP pages (#4563)
  • 3rd party compatibility: Exclude WhatsApp user agent from cache (#4507)
WP Rocket 3.10.9 Nulled
v3.10.9 March 3, 2022
This release is a staggered one. It's available for 15% of our users for now. We'll increase the percentage over time.

  • Enhancement: Update our delay JS script (#4682)
  • Enhancement: Add additional exclusions from minify JS (#4706, #4740, #4743, #4770)
  • Enhancement: Remove some unnecessary database queries done by WP Rocket on the admin side (#1599)
  • 3rd party compatibility: Prevent JS error when using Elementor with combine JS (#4701)
  • 3r party compatibility: Improve compatibility when using Elementor and specific page CSS (#3327, #3426)
Скрытое содержимое. Вам нужно войти или зарегистрироваться.
Если посмотреть детализацию, то увидим, что антивирус Zillya ругается на файл wp-rocket/assets/js/lazyload-scripts.min.js
(реализует ленивую загрузку изображений, судя по названию)
Файл "минифицирован". При минификации удаляются все пробелы и переносы. Получается непрерывная последовательность символов.
По всей видимости, при этом образовалась последовательность, которая соответствует сигнатуре вируса в базе данного антивируса.
При приведении файла к читаемому виду (восстановлении форматирования) и прогонке его через Virustotal, срабатываний на него нет.
Опасности, конкретно, от этого файла нет.

Антивирусы не гарантируют безопасности при работе со скриптами, поскольку работают по сигнатурам.
Это нужно принимать во внимание.