WordPress Real Media Library


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WordPress Real Media Library - Media Library Folder & File Manager for Media Management

Real Media Library helps you with media management. Organize thousands of uploaded files into folders, collections and galleries. A real file manager that allows you to manage large amounts of files such as pictures, videos or documents in WordPress. Media library folders for everyone!

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Real Media Library 4.13.8
v4.13.8 (2021-05-12)
**Note:** Version bump only for package @devowl-wp/real-media-library

v4.13.7 (2021-05-11)
**Note:** Version bump only for package @devowl-wp/real-media-library

v4.13.5 (2021-04-27)
### chore
* **release :** publish [ci skip]

### ci
* push plugin artifacts to GitLab Generic Packages registry (CU-hd6ef6)

### docs
* add Medialist to compatibility list in wordpress.org description (CU-c71wbc)

### fix
* compatibility with latest Divi and backend editor (CU-hka4dk)

v4.13.4 (2021-03-30)
### fix
* mobile experience when creating posts
Real Media Library 4.13.9
v4.13.9 (2021-05-14)
**Note:** Version bump only for package @devowl-wp/real-media-library
Real Media Library 4.13.12
v4.13.12 (2021-07-16)
### chore
* update compatibility with WordPress 5.8 (CU-n9dfx9)

### fix
* compatibility with WordPress 5.8 (CU-n9dfx9)

v4.13.11 (2021-06-05)
### fix

* height of preview image in list table

v4.13.10 (2021-05-25)

### chore
* migarte loose mode to compiler assumptions
* polyfill setimmediate only if needed (CU-jh3czf)
* revert update of typedoc@0.20.x as it does not support monorepos yet
* upgrade dependencies to latest minor version

### ci
* move type check to validate stage

### fix
* do not rely on install_plugins capability, instead use activate_plugins so GIT-synced WP instances work too (CU-k599a2)

### test
* make window.fetch stubbable (CU-jh3cza)