Компонент Zoolanders Essentials YOOtheme Pro

Reza Esfandiari

Разрушитель (V)
7 000
Thanks for the great Plugin.
For me. The Form Builder doesn't send. Any Ideas?
Icons sometimes failed to render in version 1.2.4. Kindly waiting for the release 1.2.6...
Reza Esfandiari updated Zoolanders Essentials YOOtheme Pro with a new update entry:

Zoolanders Essentials YooTheme Pro 1.2.7

1.2.7 (April 28, 2021)
  • Fixed
    Fix PHP warning related to automatic updates (WordPress).
  • Fixed
    Fix Google Sheet warning when loading an empty spreadsheet.
  • Fixed
    Fix Google Sheet content caching.
  • Fixed
    Fix Instagram refresh token issue.
  • Fixed
    Fix icons collections build.
  • Fixed
    Fix invalid cache key warning.

Read the rest of this update entry...
Could you please upload last ZOOessentials beta for ZOO?
Reza Esfandiari updated Zoolanders Essentials YOOtheme Pro with a new update entry:

Zoolanders YOOtheme Pro Essentials 1.3.0

1.3.0 (June 23, 2021)
  • Added
    Add support for overriding OAuth settings allowing the usage of custom Apps.
  • Added
    Add Settings -> Auths section for managing authentications and secrets in one place.
  • Added
    Add more transparency about what permission scopes are required in an OAuth authentication.
  • Added
    Add Hashtags mapping field for Instagram Source.
  • Added
    Add resizing support for Instagram Source image...

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Reza Esfandiari updated Zoolanders Essentials YOOtheme Pro with a new update entry:

Zoolanders Essentials YooTheme Pro 1.3.2

1.3.2 (June 29, 2021)
  • Fixed
    Fix Instagram Source raw media url.
  • Fixed
    Fix on save config warning.
1.3.1 (June 28, 2021)

  • Fixed
    Fix Database Source fields keys encoding.
  • Fixed
    Fix Database Source external connection support.
  • Fixed
    Fix Instagram Source image caching for videos media.
  • Fixed
    Fix Builder Form Area quick edit access link...

Read the rest of this update entry...