Компонент JCE Pro Content Editor


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JCE Pro Content Editor - Компонент для создание и редактирование статей Joomla!


Добавьте в свою среду Joomla! ® набор инструментов, который даст вам возможность создавать нужный вам контент без ограничений и без необходимости знать или изучать HTML, XHTML, CSS ...
  • Офисные функции и знакомые кнопки упрощают форматирование
  • Загружайте , переименовывайте , удаляйте , вырезайте / копируйте / вставляйте изображения и...

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OlegPaRe обновил ресурс JCE Pro Content Editor новой записью:

Обнавление JCE 2.9.4

Новая версия JCE Pro Content Editor 2.9.4

CRC32: 3C0DC047
MD5: 192BEE3779563844EA1A345502198C6F
SHA-1: 787EAD6A72F5CFBEA2B3CA065941E4CD63D62A7B

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  • jce.jpg
    107,6 КБ · Просмотры: 11
После установки jce на Joomla4b7 слетел SPPB 379
4- как еще бета, о чем тут говоритт
OlegPaRe обновил ресурс JCE Pro Content Editor новой записью:

Обновление JCE до версии 2.9.5

Доступна новая версия JCE Pro Content Editor 2.9.5
Код извлечения за активность:
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Код извлечения:

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JCE Editor Pro 2.9.6

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  • Added support for the Astroid template framework for editor content styling.


  • Styles list inactive in SP PageBuilder
  • Attempting to add text to a <figcaption> tag in a <figure> element would add the text below the image.
  • Clicking into a <figcaption> tag would place the cursor above the line when Block Elements were enabled.
  • Text in a <figcaption> tag can now be formatted using options from the Format list.
  • Custom mediajce fields in subform fields were not using defined mediatype values.
  • The link tree in the Link dialog was generating errors in Joomla 4
  • Editor tabs were not displaying correctly in Joomla 4
  • The Styles list would be empty when using a Gantry based template
  • Default attributes were not being applied to images inserted with the Basic Dialog.
  • Remove redundant data-mediabox-src attribute on popup links
  • Fix some selection and cursor issues with images in Firefox when the image has a style of display:block
  • PRO Column layout was being removed when saving an existing article when using the Bootstrap framework option.
  • PRO Changed Columns content vertical alignment to use flex-start and flex-end
  • PRO Updating a popup in the Image Manager Extended would remove the main URL value.
  • PRO Inserting a video with the Media Manager Quick Media dropdown would result in incorrect dimensions and some attributes missing, eg: allowfullscreen
Создал сайт на Joomla 4 Beta, основной набор компонентов нормально встал, а с JCE Pro 2.9.6 проблема - скрыты табы в настройках профиля...
Выход нашел, с помощью инспектора кода скрываю первый таб (display: none) и показываю нужный (display: block). Но это не удобно, хоть и один раз настроить надо.
Может кто-то сталкивался и нашел решение?

JCE Pro 2.9.10​

JCE 2.9.11 совместим с Joomla 4, но не работает с фронта при редактировании страниц SP Page Builder. Как говорят JoomShaper, проблема на стороне JCE. Они оповещены, так что ждем обновления

JCE Pro 2.9.14​




  • Fixed incorrect processing of some integer values that could lead to invalid parameter or state values.



  • Conversion and redirect of Flexi-Content media fields.


  • The Components assignment in Editor Profiles will now hide the components list when All Components is selected, and show the list for selection when Select from List is checked, due to issues with disabling / enbaling the list in Joomla 4


  • Joomla 4 Pressing the up and down cursor would not navigate through paragraphs correctly when the site template has assigned display:flex to the <body> tag.
  • Joomla 4 Update the Download Key for JCE Pro when setting the Updates key in the JCE Admin Config.
  • Joomla 4 Fixed "checked_out" error when editing a profile on some systems (requires uninstall and re-install)
  • Joomla 4 Fixed "addScriptVersion" error in SP Page Builder
  • Joomla 4 Fixed various javascript errors when editing in SP Page Builder
  • The Link dialog would display as blank if CK Page Builder is installed and the Search - CK Page Builder plugin is selected in Editor Profiles -> Plugin Parameters -> Link.
  • Pressing the Italic button would not return focus to the editor window.
  • An invalid value for a Character Map parameter would generate a PHP error.
  • An invalid value for the Custom Configuration Variables parameter would generate a PHP error.
  • Encoded HTML text content in between 2 shortcode blocks would be decoded to actual HTML when the content is saved.
  • Removed Weblinks Search as a default search adapter.
  • Click on an iframe media preview object would not always select the iframe and display the resize handles.
JCE Editor Pro 2.9.18
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Скрытое содержимое. Вам нужно войти или зарегистрироваться.
Скрытое содержимое. Вам нужно войти или зарегистрироваться.



  • Youtube and Vimeo video will no longer autoplay in the media preview.
  • Move all admin media assets (js, css etc.) out of the administrator/components/com_jce folder into media/com_jce
  • Regular Labs Sourcerer shortcode, eg: {source}content{/source} is now processed seperately from other shortcode to improve support.


  • Fixed encoding of content in Code Blocks
  • Linebreaks were converted to newlines in <script> Code Blocks.
  • Applying or removing multiple styles from the Styles list to a selection of multiple elements (eg: paragraphs) now should work as expected.
  • Content links without any content text would not show up as search results of the Link Search tool.
  • Media Preview items could not be selected if Container Element was set to No Container.
  • Update Vimeo url processing to support has values for private videos.
  • Rollover images were not working despite the relevant options being enabled.
  • Remove use of "layout" variable name in GET requests due to conflict with Helix Ultimate template framework.
  • When creating a new profile or copying an existing one, the default toolbar theme would be set to "classic"
  • Some converted media fields (in subform fields for example) would not use the correct profile when it was assigned to a component.
  • When using a JCE Language Pack, eg: de-DE with a Joomla Language variant, eg: de-AT, JCE labels were not being translated correctly.
  • Pasting text into a paragraph would produce a new paragraph.
  • Fixed invalid conversion of some media fields if conversion is disabled.
  • PRO Drag & Drop upload of a video or pdf file would not remove the spinner after completing the upload.
  • PRO Fixed inline upload of supported files by the Template Manager
  • Joomla4 Update checked_out and checked_out_time table fields for all prior versions for Joomla 4 compat.
  • Joomla4 Fixed repeatable media input field update.
  • Joomla4 Fixed alignment of checkboxes in the Profiles list.
  • Joomla4 Creating a new profile using the New button and then saving would produce an error or default value warning.
JCE Editor Pro 2.9.20
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Скрытое содержимое. Вам нужно войти или зарегистрироваться.
Скрытое содержимое. Вам нужно войти или зарегистрироваться.



  • PRO Editing an existing Caption would not show any padding values added to the caption container.
  • PRO Thumbnail images in the same folder as the associated image were not being detected.
  • If the File Browser is not enabled for any profile, the JCE Media Field and any converted Media Fields will fallback to use the Joomla Media Manager.
  • Updated PHP compatability message on install, warning of PHP 7.4 requirement for future updates.
  • Custom Formats with an invalid Styles value would cause the Style to be pre-selected and applied incorrectly.
  • Pasting content containing inline styles in the style attribute of a tag would remove the style attribute.
  • Some Custom Formats could not be applied from the Styles list on a text selection when the Container Element & Enter Key option was set to Linebreak:None
  • An extra space was being added after an anchor element on each save or toggle when the anchor was in the same parent container as a rollover image
  • Updated the Custom Styles widget in the Style Select parameters to fix some layout issues.
  • A syntax error in a PHP function would cause an error in PHP 7.2



  • PRO Added an option to enable / disable enlarging of images in upload resizing.
  • Some media element (video, audio) attributes can now be edited using the Insert Attributes dialog.
  • Custom attributes can now be added to and edited on links in the Advanced tab of the link dialog, by setting a Name and Value pair for the attribute name and value.


  • Updated jQuery and jQuery UI


  • PRO The URL field was missing the Popup tab in the Image Manager Extended.
  • PRO Opening the Image Manager Extended or File Manager dialog would show an Mediabox related error in Joomla 4 on some systems.
  • PRO Inserting a Template Manager template using default creation date or modified date classes would not work as expected.
  • PRO A PHP error would be produced on uploading when resizing an image in some instances.
  • Joomla4 A PHP error would be generated in Joomla 4 when toggling the Preview tab.
  • Joomla4 Minor layout bug in Joomla 4 when the editor is toggled off.
  • Setting a custom Help URL and Help URL Method would have no effect.
  • Deleting Style Formats in the Style Select tab in Editor Profiles -> Plugin Parameters, would leave one Style Format intact.
  • Some custom Character Map values added in a previous version of the editor would not be displayed in the Character Map.
  • The Media Preview and placeholder for the <audio> tag were not displaying correctly.
  • Updating a link where the link text started with a space would add another non-breaking space character before this.
  • External plugins would not load and a PHP Error would be generated when Compress Javascript was enabled.
  • Unexpected behaviour when applying a custom style without a defined element value to a text selection.
  • Attempting to upload and insert multiple items in one drag & drop action would fail with an error.
  • Pressing the Remove Format button would generate an error and in some instances have no effect.
  • Updating a link which contains an additional inline element, eg: font icon, would duplicate the link text.
  • Some labels were not being translated in the standalone File Browser and Image Editor.
  • The Media field in a repeatable sub-form was not being converted into a JCE File Browser field.
  • Attempting to apply a Custom Class to a selection using the Styles list would do nothing.
  • Editor language files would not be loaded if the Compress Javascript option is enabled in the Editor Global Configuration.