Тема Shoptimizer

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Shoptimizer - БЫСТРАЯ тема WooCommerce

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Это БЫСТРАЯ тема WooCommerce, которая поставляется с множеством функций, предназначенных для того, чтобы помочь вам преобразовать больше пользователей в клиентов. Если вам нужна быстрая тема WooCommerce, оптимизированная для конверсии и продаж, вы можете выбрать только Shoptimized!
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Владейте и управляйте своими собственными данными с WooCommerce. Кроме того, с более чем 5000 расширений существует несколько способов добавить...

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leontwo обновил ресурс Shoptimizer новой записью:

Shoptimizer 2.3.8

v2.3.8 - 24-03-2021
* Fix - Tapping the x on the mobile PDP gallery sometimes triggered the cart sidebar.
* Fix - Ajax search option not appearing when Header 4 layout selected.
* Fix - Mega menu hover overlay now covers footer.
* Tweak - Checkout and cart inputs now use 16px font sizes to prevent zoom on iOS.
* Tweak - Request a Quote plugin responsive styling tweaks.

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leontwo обновил ресурс Shoptimizer новой записью:

Shoptimizer 2.3.9

* Fix - Ensure coupon field on cart page is 16px to fix mobile iOS zoom.
* Tweak - Better max-width CSS display for category images to reduce flash of image resize.
* Tweak - Replaced checkout loading spinner gif with inline svg.
* Tweak - Product category banner can now also apply to product tags.
* Tweak - Blog grid layout style improvements.
* Tweak - Product description H2 now correctly corresponds to the typography H2 setting.
* Tweak - Some...

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leontwo обновил ресурс Shoptimizer новой записью:

Shoptimizer 2.4.0

v2.4.0 - 05-05-2021
* New - 'Blank canvas' page template. Removes header and footer. Ideal for custom landing pages.
* Fix - Displaying single products using a shortcode functionality and styling improved.
* Accessibility - Quantity selector 'Links are not crawlable' GPSI warning resolved on PDPs.
* Tweak - Default H2 headings now 600 weight.
* Tweak - Width of category images when no description is present is 100% again.
* Tweak - H1s added to the product...

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leontwo обновил ресурс Shoptimizer новой записью:

Shoptimizer 2.4.1

* Fix - Reduced sensitivity of 'Show Filters' button on mobile when scrolling past it.
* Tweak - Removed JS classes applied to category description area
* Tweak - Reworked category description markup and CSS of PLPs, CLS is now 0.
* Tweak - PLP category image dimensions now outputted.
* Tweak - PDP sticky bar now loads the smaller woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail image size.
* Tweak - Use smaller woocommerce_gallery_thumbnail image size for sticky bar...

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leontwo обновил ресурс Shoptimizer новой записью:

Shoptimizer 2.4.4

v2.4.4 - 19-07-2021
* New - 'Thank You Custom Area' widget (Appearance > Widgets), allows you to add custom content at the end of the thank you page.
* Tweak - Distraction-free checkout option now excludes thank you page.
* Tweak - Thank you page style tweaks.
* Tweak - Better content top padding when breadcrumbs aren't active.
* Tweak - sale prices are now bolded.
* Fix - PDP sticky bar will no longer show average rating if 'Display reviews' option is disabled...

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leontwo обновил ресурс Shoptimizer новой записью:

Shoptimizer 2.4.5

v2.4.5 - 10-08-2021
* Tweak - Select options button in sticky bar now scrolls to the variations form.
* Tweak - Minor style improvements when using Elementor Pro on single product pages.
* Tweak - Previous/next products option performant code refactor.
* Compatibility - Better styling when using the official 'WooCommerce Quick View' plugin.

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leontwo обновил ресурс Shoptimizer новой записью:

Shoptimizer 2.5.2

Shoptimizer Theme v2.5.2
  • Fix – Accordion shortcode now works if Elementor is used on PDPs.
  • Fix – PDP layout issue when bundle products are displayed.
  • Fix – Sticky add to cart PDP bar HTML validation issue.
  • Fix – Breadcrumbs width when Elementor Pro full-width template active.
  • Fix – Content width now applies to Logo/Navigation/Cart header layout.
  • Tweak – RTL styling improvements.
  • Tweak – Top bar padding on mobile adjustment.

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leontwo обновил ресурс Shoptimizer новой записью:

Shoptimizer 2.5.3

2.5.3 - 08-04-2022
* Fix - Ensure that checkout custom widget content appears after offical PayPal plugin.
* Fix - Mega dropdown hover glitch when variable products are present in it.
* Tweak - Further RTL styling improvements.
* Tweak - CSS fix if Elementor is active on the Cart page.
* Tweak - Improved styling when using the WooCommerce Composite Products plugin.

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leontwo обновил ресурс Shoptimizer новой записью:

Shoptimizer 2.5.4

v2.5.4 - 27-05-2022
* New - Empty mini cart widget area. You can now add custom content to this area.
* Improvement - Request a call back modal now includes product data.
* Accessibility - WAVE color contrast adjustments.
* Tweak - Mobile menu review styling.
* Tweak - In stock styling on PDPs.
* Fix - Better WooFunnels compatibility.
* Fix - Dokan z-index dropdown issue.

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leontwo обновил ресурс Shoptimizer новой записью:

Shoptimizer 2.6.0

v2.6.0 - 11-08-2022
* New - Related/Upsells/Cross-sells now scroll on small viewports. Can also mobile scroll WC shortcodes with optional "mobile-scroll" class.
* Fix - Elementor Pro editor triggered the sidebar cart.
* UX - Shop/Catalog mobile filters UX - 'Show Filters' button now sticks on scroll.
* UX - Catalog image hover effect now present only on non-touch devices.
* Tweak - Improved mobile styling across all key templates.
* Tweak - Improved sidebar cart...

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leontwo обновил ресурс Shoptimizer новой записью:

Shoptimizer 2.6.2

v2.6.2 - 12-09-2022
* Fix - Header layout bug which occurred when mobile search toggle option was active.

v2.6.1 - 09-09-2022
* Fix - Bug when mobile filters button didn't stick to the top when certain conditions were active.
* Fix - Animated underlined links within mega menu on iPads required 2 taps before following the link.
* Fix - Category description text when switched off was only being hidden on the first page.
* UX - Accessibility improvements...

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leontwo обновил ресурс Shoptimizer новой записью:

Shoptimizer 2.6.3

v2.6.3 - 09-01-2023
* New - Customizer typography controls can now accept local custom font files.
* Fix - For variable items on sale, the sale % value now updates on PDPs if it differs between variations.
* Fix - Improved order of CSS loaded within Shoptimizer's child theme.
* Fix - Below category content WYSIWYG - solved empty <p> tag display issue.
* Compatibility - WooCommerce Product Videos plugin.
* Compatibility - Smart Search Pro plugin.
* Compatibility -...

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leontwo обновил ресурс Shoptimizer новой записью:

Shoptimizer 2.6.4

v2.6.4 - 31-01-2023
* New - Option to hide the "View cart" button in the sidebar mini cart. Customize > Header and Navigation > Cart.
* Fix - Hiding category description option now works again.
* Tweak - Theme now uses CSS Grid on blog and archive pages.
* Tweak - Lock icon added to cart and mini cart checkout buttons.
* Tweak - Mobile cart RTL improvements.

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leontwo обновил ресурс Shoptimizer новой записью:

Shoptimizer 2.6.5

v2.6.5 - 07-03-2023
* New - Sidebar cart quantity option. Customize > Header and Navigation > Cart.
* New - Hover intent theme option for less jarring sudden interactions with dropdown menus. Customize > Header and Navigation > Navigation
* Fix - Typography 2.0 PHP error resolved and updated Google Fonts list included.
* Fix - PDP button gap if only 1 in stock.
* Tweak - More robust sale discount calculation function.
* Tweak - Improved review reply styling.

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leontwo обновил ресурс Shoptimizer новой записью:

Shoptimizer 2.6.6

v2.6.6 - 15-05-2023
* New - Update cart page quantity via ajax without a plugin. Customize > Layout > WooCommerce - Ajax update cart page quantity
* New - Option to display the default 'Shop' h1 heading. Customize > Layout > WooCommerce - Display shop heading
* New - Create a Custom "No Search Results" page.
* New - Create a Custom 404 Page.
* Fix - added_to_cart event not being fired within single-product-ajax.js.
* Fix - Quantity buttons on cart page now remain...

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