Плагин Schema Premium

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Schema Premium - Разметка структурированных данных schema.org в формате JSON-LD

Платформа плагинов Schema Premium для WordPress содержит функции для добавления , который наиболее рекомендуется поисковыми системами, такими как Google. Разметка схемы – это код (семантический словарь), который вы размещаете на своем веб-сайте, чтобы помочь поисковым системам возвращать более информативные результаты для пользователей. Итак, схема предназначена не только для SEO, но и для пользователя, выполняющего поиск...

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Schema Premium 1.2.4
= v1.2.4 =
* Fix: FAQPage markup output by unset auto generated properties.
* Fix: Add to ACF input admin footer a fix for repeater add button color.
* Enhancement: Added new class to allow flush rewrite rules on demand.
* Enhancement: Added new integration for Listing Pro plugin.
* Enhancement: Added new style for cursor-pointer to Bootstrap styles.
* Update: Updated ACF Pro to version 5.9.6 release.
* Update: Pumped tested WordPress version to 5.7.2 release.

= v1.2.3 =
* Fix: PHP error happen when getting full content description value.
* Fix: PHP error on Review:Movie type when trying to get actor markup.
* Fix: PHP notice in CreativeWork class when using parent_type variable.
* Fix: PHP notice in media function when fetching an empty $post->post_content variable.
* Fix: Make sure to reset Breadcrumbs before calling it directly to avoid duplication.
* Fix: Content target location transient got an empty array in some cases.
* Fix: Set image min width to be 1200px following Google guidelines.
* Fix: Corrected storageRequirements property label.
* Fix: Corrected WebSite @id property.
* Fix: Corrected author archive url and @id properties.
* Fix: Corrected post id in author array function.
* Fix: Changed plugin order to 5 so it can pick most post types from CPT plugins.
* Fix: Integration with Easy Digital Downloads, disable markup was not working.
* Fix: Target locations was not saved in some cases.
* Fix: Added schema.org domain to availability and itemCondition properties.
* Enhancement: Speed up performance by reducing number of database queries.
* Enhancement: Added new feature for combined schema.org markup.
* Enhancement: Added support for speakable schema.org structured data.
* Enhancement: Added support for SiteNavigationElement schema.org structured data.
* Enhancement: Added support for more schema.org Course properties.
* Enhancement: Added support for ISSN in WebSite and Blog structured data.
* Enhancement: Added acquireLicensePage property to CreativeWork type.
* Enhancement: Added founder property to Organization type.
* Enhancement: Added numberOfEmployees and knowsAbout properties to Organization type.
* Enhancement: Added table-borderless styles to bootstrap css file.
* Enhancement: Added new action fires right after settings update.
* Enhancement: Added light integration for WPBakery Page Builder plugin.
* Enhancement: Added new function to get an array of enabled schemas by post id.
* Enhancement: Added name (alt) and caption to ImageObject.
* Enhancement: Added new setting callback for nav menus select field.
* Enhancement: Added new settings sub section for WebPageElement.
* Enhancement: Moved ACF custom fields to its own category, called Schema.
* Enhancement: Make address fields not required for easy of use.
* Update: Updated ACF Pro to version 5.9.5 release.
* Update: Pumped tested WordPress version to 5.7.1 release.