Плагин Ultimate Addons for Elementor


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Ultimate Addons for Elementor - Плагин для конструктора страниц Elementor, который добавляет модули и виджеты в конструктор.


Плагин для конструктора страниц Elementor, который добавляет модули и виджеты в конструктор.
Связанные темы:
Elementor Pro

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Последнее редактирование:
Starwanderer обновил ресурс Ultimate Addons for Elementor новой записью:

Ultimate Addons for Elementor 1.29.2

Version 1.29.2 - Tuesday, 9th March 2021
- Improvement: Compatibility with WordPress v5.7.
- Improvement: Compatibility with Elementor v3.1.
- Improvement: Gravity Form Styler - Added placeholder text color option.
- Improvement: Mini Cart - Added option to hide badge when the cart is empty.
Имя: ultimate-elementor#1-29-2-null.zip
Размер: 2479869 байтов (2421 KiB)
CRC32: 5898F1A7
SHA256: E3E668A329DEBD5D8726BF57697D05635A50C63C27D895A056D794D982E20ADB

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Ultimate Addons for Elementor новой записью:

Ultimate Addons for Elementor 1.30.0 (Null)

Version 1.30.0 - Wednesday, 31st March 2021
- New: Introduced Social Share widget.
- Improvement: Video Gallery - Added 'uael_video_gallery_slick_options' filter to pass extra option to the slick library carousel layout.
- Fix: Countdown Timer - Recurring timer gets reset after finish and user visit.
- Fix: Marketing Button - Flare animation applies on section instead of a button on iOS.
- Fix: Mini Cart - Product image and name overlapping in Astra theme.
- Fix: Mini...

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Ultimate Addons for Elementor новой записью:

Ultimate Addons for Elementor 1.30.2 (Null)

Version 1.30.2 - Friday, 23rd April 2021
- Fix: Woo - Products - Undefined Global Typography class error with Modern skin.

Version 1.30.1 - Friday, 23rd April 2021
- Improvement: Added notice to update Elementor to v3.0.0 or higher.
Elementor has deprecated few functions and namespaces with its v3.0.0. Following Elementor, our plugin too deprecates similar functions and namespaces. You will now require the Elementor v3.0.0 or higher.
- Improvement: Compatibility with...

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Ultimate Addons for Elementor новой записью:

Ultimate Addons for Elementor 1.31.0

Version 1.31.0 - Monday, 17th May 2021
- New: Introduced WooCommerce Checkout Form widget.
- Improvement: Navigation Menu - Added an option to hide + & - sign added by Twenty Twenty-One Theme.
- Improvement: Posts - Added autoplay speed option for carousel layout.
- Improvement: Table - Added WPML support to repeater fields with wpml-config.xml file for WPML 4.4+ versions.
- Improvement: Video - Added 1:1 and 21:9 aspect ratio.
- Improvement: Video Gallery - Added option...

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Ultimate Addons for Elementor новой записью:

Ultimate Addons for Elementor 1.32.0

Version 1.32.0 - Monday, 14th June 2021
- New: Introduced Display Conditions feature for widgets, sections, and columns.
- Improvement: Gravity Form Styler - Added support to the section field.
- Improvement: Navigation Menu - Close expandable/flyout menu on click of a 'Navigation' menu item for same page 'anchor' links.
- Improvement: Woo - Checkout - Added AJAX support to the order review subtotal.
- Improvement: Woo - Checkout - Added AJAX support to the order total...

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Ultimate Addons for Elementor новой записью:

Ultimate Addons for Elementor 1.32.1

Version 1.32.1 - Tuesday, 15th June 2021
- Improvement: Display Conditions - Changed Post/Page selection control with custom query control to reduce the load time.
- Fix: Navigation Menu - In Custom menu type sub-menu item getting added as a parent menu item due to tag conflict.
Имя: ultimate-elementor#1-32-1-null.zip
Размер: 2548595 байтов (2488 KiB)
CRC32: 256E2B39
SHA256: D7B6659FAF8E270E50251859BC782694F3D0F96954A4530D9E961E4E115C102F

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Ultimate Addons for Elementor новой записью:

Ultimate Addons for Elementor 1.33.0

Version 1.33.0 - Wednesday, 21st July 2021
- New: Advanced Heading - Added preset designs.
- New: Business Hours - Added preset designs.
- New: Dual Color Heading - Added preset designs.
- New: FAQ Schema - Added preset designs.
- New: Info Box - Added preset designs.
- New: Login Form - Added preset designs.
- New: Multi Buttons - Added preset designs.
- New: Price Box - Added preset designs.
- New: Price List - Added preset designs.
- New: Team Member - Added preset...

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Ultimate Addons for Elementor новой записью:

Ultimate Addons for Elementor 1.33.1

Version 1.33.1 - Thursday, 5th August 2021
- Improvement: Added WPML translation support for all widgets through wpml-config.xml file.
- Improvement: Display Conditions - Added request parameter support.
- Improvement: Google Map - Added 'uael_map_options' filter to pass responsive zoom options.
- Improvement: Navigation Menu - Added label support to the menu icon.
- Improvement: Navigation Menu - Added 'SiteNavigationElement' schema support.
- Improvement: Video - Added...

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Ultimate Addons for Elementor новой записью:

Ultimate Addons for Elementor 1.34.1

Version 1.34.1 - Thursday, 23rd September 2021
- Fix: Display Conditions - Active PHP session issue in WP Site Health Screen.

Version 1.34.0 - Wednesday, 22nd September 2021
- New: Countdown Timer - Added preset designs.
- New: Fancy Heading - Added preset designs.
- New: Marketing Button - Added preset designs.
- New: Social Share - Added preset designs.
- New: Timeline - Added preset designs.
- New: User Registration Form - Added preset designs.
- Improvement: Display...

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Ultimate Addons for Elementor новой записью:

Ultimate Addons for Elementor 1.35.0

Version 1.35.0 - Monday, 11th October 2021
- New: Introducing Party Propz extension for sections, columns, and widgets.
- New: Introducing Welcome Music widget to add background music to the page.
- Improvement: Added Christmas & Halloween shape dividers to Elementor Shape Divider.
- Improvement: Modal Popup - Added option to set cookies on close popup action.
- Improvement: Particle Backgrounds - Added Christmas effect.
- Improvement: Particle Backgrounds - Added...

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Ultimate Addons for Elementor новой записью:

Ultimate Addons for Elementor 1.35.1

Version 1.35.1 - Tuesday, 16th November 2021
- Improvement: Display Conditions - Added Geo-location support.
- Improvement: Display Conditions - Added ACF field support.
- Improvement: Posts - Added WPML support for `'All' Tab Label` field in Filterable tabs
- Improvement: Price Box - Position option for original price.
- Improvement: Price Box - Tooltip option for original price.
- Improvement: Price Box - Bottom spacing for original price.
- Improvement: Price Box -...

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Ultimate Addons for Elementor новой записью:

Ultimate Addons for Elementor 1.35.2

Version 1.35.2 December 15, 2021

Added compatibility to Elementor core version 3.5.0. Elementor has hard deprecated few functions with its v3.5.0. Following Elementor, our plugin too deprecates similar functions. Now to work with UAE, Elementor minimum version 3.1.0 or higher will be required.

Fix: Woo – Checkout – Fixed section text color not applying in the editor.
Fix: PHP warning of undefined array key on responsive controls in all...

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Ultimate Addons for Elementor новой записью:

Ultimate Addons for Elementor 1.35.3

Version 1.35.3 - Wednesday, 22nd December 2021
- Improvement: Posts - Improved ARIA attribute accessibility of categories in taxonomy badge.
- Fix: Display Conditions - Updated document link on integrations setting page.

Version 1.35.2 - Wednesday, 15th December 2021
- Improvement: Added compatibility to Elementor core version 3.5.0. Elementor has hard deprecated few functions with its v3.5.0. Following Elementor, our plugin too deprecates similar functions. Now to work...

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Ultimate Addons for Elementor новой записью:

Ultimate Addons for Elementor 1.36.1

Version 1.36.1 - Wednesday, 12th January 2022
- Improvement: Twitter Feed - Renamed Sort By option labels and changed the date format.
- Fix: Instagram Feed - Fixed PHP Parse error when using the widget.

Version 1.36.0 - Tuesday, 11th January 2022
- New: Instagram Feed - Introducing a widget to showcase your Instagram photos.
- New: Twitter Feed - Introducing a widget to showcase your Twitter tweets.
- Improvement: Modal Popup - Added dynamic tag support to the Custom...

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Ultimate Addons for Elementor новой записью:

Ultimate Addons for Elementor 1.36.2

Version 1.36.2 - Tuesday, 25th January 2022
- Fix: Before After Slider - Before After labels are shown even if they are empty.
- Fix: Display Conditions - ACF boolean field not working.
- Fix: Navigation Menu - Double hamburger icon and menu appear when Elementor's sticky feature is enabled.
- Fix: Posts - 'uael_posts_filterable_tabs' filter hook not working for creative feed skin.
- Fix: Posts - Carousel dots get black background when using the 2021 theme.
- Fix: Posts...

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Ultimate Addons for Elementor новой записью:

Ultimate Addons for Elementor 1.36.3

Version 1.36.3 - Tuesday, 1st February 2022
- Compatibility with Elementor Pro version 3.6
- Fix: Display Conditions - ACF field conditions not working.
- Fix: Woo - Checkout - Shipping method not updating when zip code is changed.
Имя: ultimate-elementor#1-36-3-null.zip
Размер: 2897909 байтов (2829 KiB)
CRC32: 85D8367D
SHA256: CAC56DF5AF698EA5DB0E42ECC3DB0F1DC5CD2324098F4BC72BE79116B7D890E6
SHA1: 7FC473BCF4DA3D89F2215CA02DA113A9FDB0C055

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Основная фишка обновления - совместимость с Elementor Pro 3.6
Starwanderer обновил ресурс Ultimate Addons for Elementor новой записью:

Ultimate Addons for Elementor 1.36.4

Version 1.36.4 - Tuesday, 8th February 2022
- Fix: Display Conditions - PHP warning when using the older versions of PHP.
- Fix: Image Gallery - Image caption not translated using WPML.
Имя: ultimate-elementor#1-36-4-null.zip
Размер: 2897948 байтов (2830 KiB)
CRC32: 88A917BC
SHA256: F3093737427987ECB93DAF09CDC1F96C7E585558E6E4349B915BEAA79E7CB3F0
SHA1: F0AB54AFA2EB7CA362B9A4E2205646C77A878929

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Ultimate Addons for Elementor новой записью:

Ultimate Addons for Elementor 1.36.5

Version 1.36.5 Thursday, 24th March 2022
- Improvement: Modal Popup - Added secure attribute to the cookies.
- Fix: Console error while editing pages with elementor when using Workreap-Core plugin.
- Fix: FAQ - Accordion tab icon size issue.
- Fix: FAQ - Fixed PHP fatal error.
- Fix: Posts - PHP errors when using PHP 8.1.
- Fix: Price box - Feature list icon size issue.
- Fix: Timeline - Items already highlighted when used in tabs.
- Fix: Video - Fixed PHP fatal error.

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Ultimate Addons for Elementor новой записью:

Ultimate Addons for Elementor 1.36.7
Безопасно. Нулл на базе оригинального плагина.

Version 1.36.7 - Tuesday, 14th June 2022
- Improvement: Content Toggle - Flex container template support.
- Improvement: Cross-Site Copy Paste - Flex container support.
- Improvement: FAQ - Flex container template support.
- Improvement: Modal Popup - Flex container template support.
- Improvement: Nav Menu - Flex container template support.
- Improvement: Off-canvas - Flex container template support.
- Fix: Included template file with the full path to fix the fatal...

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