Тема Extra (Elegant Themes)


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40 718
Starwanderer разместил(а) новый ресурс:

Extra (Elegant Themes) - Extra - премиальная тема на базе визуального конструктора Divi Bulder.


Extra — это премиальная тема от Elegant Themes со светлым дизайном для онлайн-журналов, блогов и информационных сайтов. Работает на основе визуального конструктора Divi Bulder. Тема имеет адаптивный дизайн, который великолепно смотрится на мобильных устройствах и планшетах.
В теме все настраивается и создается с помощью визуального конструктора Divi Bulder.
Каждая часть вашего сайта является...

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Убедительная просьба не спамить в тему линками с варезников и устаревшими версиями темы.
Здесь выкладываются лицензионные, чистые версии, которые можно безбоязненно ставить на сайт.
Последнее редактирование:
Starwanderer обновил ресурс Extra (Elegant Themes) новой записью:

Extra - обновление 4.9.1 от 2021-03-03

Обновление темы от 2021-03-03
Имя: Extra#4-9-1.zip
Размер: 11081868 байтов (10 MiB)
SHA256: 1879AFF49C9A35206DDC91023DCC8DE886CFBEE112F6B5774B6C1909CA897E4E
SHA1: 3FF43AE482B2B791D3ED09AA11ECD512BDE23724

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Реакции: GiT
Starwanderer обновил ресурс Extra (Elegant Themes) новой записью:

Extra (Elegant Themes) 4.9.2

version 4.9.2 ( updated 03-12-2021 )
- Fixed meta links color on the Front End not matching the Visual Builder in the Blog module when using grid layout.
- Improved logic to allow the last and only row to be moved outside specialty sections.
- Fixed copy paste styles issue on module with Global Color used.
- Fixed lost hover state global color.
- Fixed headers and footers created from Theme Builder were not respecting LearnDash focus mode.
- Fixed a compatibility issue...

Важно: были сообщения об ошибках при установке темы. Возможно, из-за старых версий Wordpress.

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Последнее редактирование:
Starwanderer обновил ресурс Extra (Elegant Themes) новой записью:

Extra (Elegant Themes) 4.9.3 от 2021-04-01

version 4.9.3 ( updated 04-01-2021 )
- Fixed inability to click into the search field in a FullwidthMenu module on small screens.
- Fixed Theme Builder not saved properly when has many templates.
- Fixed global colors confirmation dialog appears in the layers view (LV) when LV is open.
- Fixed flashing styles inherited from existing module not in viewport when creating/duplicating module.
- Introduces orderClassName property on custom module moduleInfo property to...

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Extra (Elegant Themes) новой записью:

Extra (Elegant Themes) 4.9.4

version 4.9.4 ( updated 04-13-2021 )
- Fixed search module custom left and right padding not working when you hide the search button.
- Fixed incorrect scrollTo behavior when the $target is sticky module that sticks to top.
- Fixed builder crash when Content Security Policy (CSP) header is enabled.
- Fixed button hover color from theme customizer affects the media library button when editing products.
- Fixed an issue with the Testimonial module where the spacing on...

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Extra (Elegant Themes) новой записью:

Extra (Elegant Themes) 4.9.5

version 4.9.5 ( updated 06-09-2021 )
- Fixed group heading for Accordion module not working on the Frontend.
- Fixed issue where existing theme builder templates could unintentionally get deleted if interrupting the saving templates process.
- Fixed an issue with the Post Slider module that could cause an infinite loop when the module is used in a post.
- Added hover option for sizing the content and image on Blurb module.
- Fixed an issue with anchor links when vertical...

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Extra (Elegant Themes) новой записью:

Extra (Elegant Themes) 4.9.6

version 4.9.6 ( updated 06-10-2021 )
- Fixed the Image Module Force Fullwidth option not working.
- Fixed a bug with the blurb content applying to the wrong selector.
- Fixed an issue where changing the Horizontal repeat setting for the section divider wasn't resetting the divider repeat.
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/module/Blurb.php
* includes/builder/module/Image.php
* includes/builder/module/field/Divider.php

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Реакции: GiT
Starwanderer обновил ресурс Extra (Elegant Themes) новой записью:

Extra (Elegant Themes) 4.9.7

version 4.9.7 ( updated 06-14-2021 )
- Fixed issue with builder freezing while scrolling when there is Blurb module with image in the content.
- Fixed Theme Builder templates assignments are getting duplicated after the saving.
- Fixed an issue with slide images that may appear distorted in some cases.
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/bundle.js
* includes/builder/frontend-builder/theme-builder/api.php

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Реакции: NNM
Starwanderer обновил ресурс Extra (Elegant Themes) новой записью:

Extra (Elegant Themes) 4.9.9

version 4.9.9 ( updated 07-14-2021 )
- Fixed error regarding ET_Builder_Element not being found.
* includes/builder/feature/gutenberg/blocks/Layout.php

version 4.9.8 ( updated 07-14-2021 )
- Fixed default Shop module overlay icon not displaying on the frontend.
- Fixed the post excerpt return empty when the posts on the Query Loop block use Divi Builder layout.
- Fixed broken Divi Layout block preview when Template Editor is active.
- Fixed issue with Theme Builder...

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Extra (Elegant Themes) новой записью:

Extra (Elegant Themes) 4.9.10

version 4.9.10 ( updated 07-19-2021 )
- Improved custom widget area feature on Widget page to adapt new Widget Block Editor.
- Fixed builder crash when extending styles of child modules that were newly created.
- Fixed the post excerpt return empty when the posts on the Query Loop block use Divi Builder layout.
- Fixed global colors tab showing error after updating react package.
* core/components/VersionRollback.php

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Extra (Elegant Themes) новой записью:

Extra (Elegant Themes) 4.11.2

version 4.11.2 ( updated 10-07-2021 )
- Fixed incorrect parent module attributes assigned on some 3rd-party modules.
- Fixed an issue with WooCommerce rating where the stars were duplicated in the comment form in Firefox.
- Fixed issue with Google Fonts performance improvement not utilizing its internal cache as intended and resulting in extra HTTP calls on each page load.
- Fixed Theme Builder styles missing in password protected pages.
- Fixed Fullwidth Slider Module's...

Посмотреть подробности об этом обновлении...
Starwanderer обновил ресурс Extra (Elegant Themes) новой записью:

Extra (Elegant Themes) 4.11.3

version 4.11.3 ( updated 10-15-2021 )
- Fixed a bug that could break the last published Post Header styles.
- Fixed Magnific Popup not working with gallery shortcode in child themes in certain cases.
- Fixed a bug with text alignment not working in the Blog module's grid layout.
- Fixed missing icon styles and missing popup styles on custom post types when Dynamic CSS was disabled.
- Fixed an incompatibility issue related to Defer jQuery optimization and some Mailchimp...

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Extra (Elegant Themes) новой записью:

Extra (Elegant Themes) 4.11.4

version 4.11.4 ( updated 10-22-2021 )
- Fixed Display Condition's Post Category and Category Page conditions to exclude "Product Tag" taxonomy from their list.
- Fixed a compatibility issue with 3rd Party module Divi Filterable Blog Module.
- Fixed WP Rocket compatibility affecting certain modules' animations.
- Fixed laggy issue in Visual builder.
- Fixed responsive and hover mode value not inheriting desktop mode value after value reset.
- Fixed hover background image...

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Extra (Elegant Themes) новой записью:

Extra (Elegant Themes) 4.13.1

version 4.13.1 ( updated 11-11-2021 )
- Fixed front end .css files being enqueued inside the Visual Builder when editing category pages using the Theme Builder Editor.
- Fixed issue with Post Content Module error inside the Specialty section.
- Fixed visual builder laggy on Initial load.
- Fixed error when double click on child module preview to open settings modal.
- Fixed Divi Placeholder block is not rendered properly on edit post admin page.
- Updated Display...

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Starwanderer обновил ресурс Extra (Elegant Themes) новой записью:

Extra (Elegant Themes) 4.14.2
Оригинальная тема без модификаций. (Licensed)

version 4.14.2 ( updated 11-30-2021 )
- Fixed issue with Divi activation upon editing Divi Layout Block in Gutenberg.
- Fixed the margin applying for the icon with the left placement in the Blurb module.
- Fixed delayed editor switching from GB to VB when activating VB by replacing waitForSave() that is based on@wordpress/data's subscribe() with evaluating state and props change that is already passed by Higher Order Component from store's state.
- Fixed break in gallery...

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