$servername = "localhost";
$username = "username";
$password = "password";
$dbname = "dbname";
//$att_id = '208';
for ($att_id = 1; $att_id <= 500; $att_id++ ) {
$conn = mysqli_connect($servername, $username, $password, $dbname);
if (!$conn) {
echo "нет соединения";
die("Connection failed: " . mysqli_connect_error());
$sql = "SELECT product_id, attribute_id, language_id, text FROM oc5674_product_attribute WHERE attribute_id = '$att_id'";
$result = mysqli_query($conn, $sql);
if (mysqli_num_rows($result) > 0) {
while($row = mysqli_fetch_assoc($result)) {
if ($att_id === 197 || $att_id === 201 || $att_id === 215 || $att_id === 216 ){
$row["text"]=explode(" ", $row["text"]);
mysqli_query($conn, "UPDATE oc5674_product_attribute SET text='".$text."' WHERE attribute_id='".$row["attribute_id"]."' and product_id='".$row["product_id"]."'");
if ($att_id === 196) {
$row["text"]=explode(" ", $row["text"]);
mysqli_query($conn, "UPDATE oc5674_product_attribute SET text='".$text."' WHERE attribute_id='".$row["attribute_id"]."' and product_id='".$row["product_id"]."'");
см и дБ градуссы
if ($att_id === 208 || $att_id === 207 || $att_id === 210 || $att_id === 237 || $att_id === 220 || $att_id === 217 || $att_id === 188) {
$mystring = $row["text"];
$findme = 'см';
$pos = strpos($mystring, $findme);
if (!$pos === false) {
$one = array("х"," см","×");
$two = array("x","","x");
$text = str_replace($one, $two, $row["text"]);
$text = str_replace(" ", "", $text);
$text = explode("x",$text);
$text = $text[0]*10 .'x'.$text[1]*10 .'x'.$text[2]*10;
mysqli_query($conn, "UPDATE oc5674_product_attribute SET text='".$text."' WHERE attribute_id='".$row["attribute_id"]."' and product_id='".$row["product_id"]."'");
} else {
$text = str_replace(" ", "", $row["text"]);
$one = array("х"," мм","×","дБ","°С");
$two = array("x","","x",""," °С");
$text = str_replace($one, $two, $text);
mysqli_query($conn, "UPDATE oc5674_product_attribute SET text='".$text."' WHERE attribute_id='".$row["attribute_id"]."' and product_id='".$row["product_id"]."'");
if ($att_id === 225){
$row["text"]=explode(" ", $row["text"]);
mysqli_query($conn, "UPDATE oc5674_product_attribute SET text='".$text."' WHERE attribute_id='".$row["attribute_id"]."' and product_id='".$row["product_id"]."'");
длинна трассы м
if ($att_id === 221){
$row["text"]=explode(" ", $row["text"]);
mysqli_query($conn, "UPDATE oc5674_product_attribute SET text='".$text."' WHERE attribute_id='".$row["attribute_id"]."' and product_id='".$row["product_id"]."'");
if ($att_id === 183){
$text = str_replace("есть", "Есть", $row["text"]);
mysqli_query($conn, "UPDATE oc5674_product_attribute SET text='".$text."' WHERE attribute_id='".$row["attribute_id"]."' and product_id='".$row["product_id"]."'");
} else {
echo "0 results";